シンガポール法 (Japanese Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "シンガポール法" in Japanese language version.

Global rank Japanese rank
low place
low place
3,544th place
low place
197th place
276th place
24th place
152nd place
5,963rd place
low place




  • Chang Hwee Yin (October 1994), “Crime in Singapore: A Statistical Comparison with Major Cities”, Statistics Singapore Newsletter 17 (2), オリジナルの25 January 2008時点におけるアーカイブ。, https://webcitation.org/5V72YYddp, "With the high standard of living, continued prosperity and increased civic consciousness, Singapore has been a relatively crime-free society by international standards. The crime rate, which is already low, has declined further in recent years. This paper presents an overview of the crime situation in Singapore during the last decade and gives a quantitative comparison of Singapore vis-a-vis selected major cities in the Asia-Pacific region (including North America); In 1991, Singapore's rate of violent crime (murder, rape, robbery and aggravated assault) is the lowest amongst the cities excluding Tokyo.(高い生活水準、継続的な繁栄および向上する市民意識により、シンガポールは国際的基準からは比較的犯罪の少ない社会である。犯罪率は、すでに低いものの、近年はさらに減少してきた。本ペーパーは直近10年間のシンガポールにおける犯罪状況を概観したうえで、シンガポールをアジア太平洋地域(北米を含む。)から選択した大都市と定量的に比較するものである。1991年、シンガポールの暴力犯罪(謀殺、強姦、強盗および加重暴行)率は、これらの都市の中では東京を除くと最も低い。)" 


  • Chang Hwee Yin (October 1994), “Crime in Singapore: A Statistical Comparison with Major Cities”, Statistics Singapore Newsletter 17 (2), オリジナルの25 January 2008時点におけるアーカイブ。, https://webcitation.org/5V72YYddp, "With the high standard of living, continued prosperity and increased civic consciousness, Singapore has been a relatively crime-free society by international standards. The crime rate, which is already low, has declined further in recent years. This paper presents an overview of the crime situation in Singapore during the last decade and gives a quantitative comparison of Singapore vis-a-vis selected major cities in the Asia-Pacific region (including North America); In 1991, Singapore's rate of violent crime (murder, rape, robbery and aggravated assault) is the lowest amongst the cities excluding Tokyo.(高い生活水準、継続的な繁栄および向上する市民意識により、シンガポールは国際的基準からは比較的犯罪の少ない社会である。犯罪率は、すでに低いものの、近年はさらに減少してきた。本ペーパーは直近10年間のシンガポールにおける犯罪状況を概観したうえで、シンガポールをアジア太平洋地域(北米を含む。)から選択した大都市と定量的に比較するものである。1991年、シンガポールの暴力犯罪(謀殺、強姦、強盗および加重暴行)率は、これらの都市の中では東京を除くと最も低い。)" 



  • 彼が、スコットランド出身の不動産管理業者・下院議員のジェームズ・ロック(James Loch:1780年–1855年)と同一人物かは不明。
  • Kevin Y[ew] L[ee] Tan (1989), “A Short Legal and Constitutional History of Singapore”, in Walter Woon, The Singapore Legal System, Singapore: Longman, p. 3 at 8, ISBN 978-9971-89-993-6 (pbk.) .
  • L.A. Mills (1960), “British Malaya 1824–1867”, Journal of the Malayan Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society XXXIII (3) , cited in Mavis Chionh (2005), “The Development of the Court System”, in Kevin Y[ew] L[ee] Tan, Essays in Singapore Legal History, Singapore: Singapore Academy of Law; Marshall Cavendish Academic, p. 93 at 99, ISBN 978-981-210-389-5 (hbk.) .
  • Walter Woon (1989), “The Applicability of English Law in Singapore”, in Walter Woon, The Singapore Legal System, Singapore: Longman, p. 107 at 112–113, ISBN 978-9971-89-993-6 (pbk.) .
  • 5 Geo. IV c. 108 (UK)。
  • 42 Geo. III c. 29 (UK)。
  • 39 & 40 Geo. III c. 79 (UK)。
  • 6 Geo. IV c. 85 (UK)。
  • Andrew Phang Boon Leong (2006), From Foundation to Legacy: The Second Charter of Justice, Singapore: Singapore Academy of Law, pp. 19–23, ISBN 978-981-05-7194-8 (pbk.) .
  • 53 Geo. III c. 155) (UK)。
  • 3 & 4 Will. IV, c. 85 (UK)。
  • 21 & 22 Vic. c. 106 (UK)。
  • 29 & 30 Vic. c. 115 (UK)
  • 9 & 10 Geo. VI c. 37 (UK)。
  • 50 & 51 Vic. c. 54 (UK)。
  • S.I. 1958 No. 1946 (UK)。
  • 6 & 7 Eliz. II c. 59 (UK)
  • c. 35 (UK)。
  • S.I. 1963 No. 1493 (UK)。
  • Jeyaretnam v. Law Society of Singapore [1988] 2 S.L.R.(R.) [Singapore Law Reports (Reissue)] 470 at 489, para. 59, [1988] UKPC 25, [1989] A.C. 608 at 631, Privy Council (on appeal from Singapore); see also Geoffrey Robertson (7 October 2008), “Joshua Jeyaretnam: Lawyer and activist, he was for many years the only political opposition to Singapore's rulers [obituary]”, The Guardian (London), http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/oct/07/2 .
  • 刑法典第377A条