Zorn, Eric (January 16, 2007). “That ditto high is harder and harder to duplicate”. Change of Subject column'. Chicago Tribune. 2013年10月23日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。September 6, 2013閲覧。 “'[D]itto,' a word — and a smell — that snaps many of us right back to our youth.”
U.S. 2,254,469, Bjorksten, Johan, "Nonflammable Solvent", published September 2, 1941, assigned to Ditto, Incorporated
Zorn, Eric (January 16, 2007). “That ditto high is harder and harder to duplicate”. Change of Subject column'. Chicago Tribune. 2013年10月23日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。September 6, 2013閲覧。 “'[D]itto,' a word — and a smell — that snaps many of us right back to our youth.”