[2] 9th CGPM, 1948. Writing and printing of unit symbols and of numbers (CR, 70)* Resolution 7, Note 3, p.162. 「To indicate a temperature interval or difference, rather than a temperature, the word “degree”in full, or the abbreviation “deg”, must be used.」
[3] 13th CGPM, 1967/68. SI unit of thermodynamic temperature (kelvin) (CR, 104 and Metrologia, 1968, 4,43), Resolutions 3, p.169 「* At its 1980 meeting, the CIPM approved the report of the 7th meeting of the CCU, which requested that the use of the symbols “°K” and “deg” no longer be permitted.」
History of the Celsius temperature scale ウプサラ天文台による解説、第5段落の後半部分、「The change to our modern direct scale was inevitable in the long run, however, but there is no sense in trying to give the credit to any single person.」Pehr Wargentin(Secretary of the Academy of Sciences、Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences)の1749年の論文による
History of the Celsius temperature scale ウプサラ天文台による解説、第5段落の後半部分、「In an account of the history of the thermometer in the Proceedings of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 1749, Pehr Wargentin, Secretary of the Academy of Sciences, mentiones Celsius, his successor Strömer and the instrument maker Ekström in connection with the direct scale. Linné is not mentioned at all. No single person can be given the credit.」