Earl F. Ziemke The U.S. Army in the occupation of Germany 1944–1946, Center of Military History, United States Army, Washington, D. C., 1990, Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 75-619027 Chapter XIV: Eclipse pp. 252,253.
原文「"Our forces liberated and mopped up the infamous concentration camp at Dachau. Approximately 32,000 prisoners were liberated; 300 SS camp guards were quickly neutralized."」Staff, quoting Abram Sachar on The Liberation of Dachau, Nizkor Project.
Staff, quoting Abram Sachar on The Liberation of Dachau, Nizkor Project. citing Sachar, Abram L. The Redemption of the Unwanted. New York: St. Martin's/Marek, 1983
Albert Panebianco (ed). Dachau its liberation 157th Infantry Association, Felix L. Sparks, Secretary 15 June 1989. (backup site)
Zarusky, Jürgen (2002). “'That is not the American Way of Fighting:' The Shooting of Captured SS-Men During the Liberation of Dachau”. Dachau and the Nazi Terror 1933–1945. 2, Studies and Reports. Dachau. pp. 133–160. ISBN3-9808587-1-5. Excerpt online
アメリカ国立公文書記録管理局によるキャプションは"SC208765, Soldiers of the 45th Infantry Division, US. Seventh Army, order SS men to come forward when one of their number tried to escape from the Dachau, Germany, concentration camp after it was captured by U.S. forces. Men on the ground in background feign death by falling as the guards fired a volley at the fleeing SS men. (157th Regt. 4/29/45)"(ダッハウ強制収容所の開放直後、米第45歩兵師団の兵士が脱走を試みたSS隊員に前に出よと命ずる。背後の地面には銃殺刑に処された死体に紛れたSS隊員らが。1945年4月29日、第157連隊。)とある。(Moody 2003) 元第157歩兵連隊第3大隊長フェリックス・スパークス(英語版)中佐はこれに反論し、「ドイツ人看守処刑に対する隠蔽の第一段階だ」(represented the initial step in the cover-up of the execution of German guards)と述べた。(Moody 2003)