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Gajendran, Ravi S.; Harrison, David A. (2007). “The good, the bad, and the unknown about telecommuting: Meta-analysis of psychological mediators and individual consequences”. Journal of Applied Psychology92 (6): 1524–1541. doi:10.1037/0021-9010.92.6.1524. PMID18020794.
Gajendran, Ravi S.; Harrison, David A. (2007). “The good, the bad, and the unknown about telecommuting: Meta-analysis of psychological mediators and individual consequences”. Journal of Applied Psychology92 (6): 1524–1541. doi:10.1037/0021-9010.92.6.1524. PMID18020794.
Golden, T. D.; Veiga, J. F.; Simsek, Z. (2006). “Telecommuting's differential impact on work–family conflict: Is there no place like home?”. Journal of Applied Psychology91 (6): 1340–1350. doi:10.1037/0021-9010.91.6.1340. PMID17100488.
Pickett, C. L. (2004). “Getting a cue: The need to belong and enhanced sensitivity to social cues”. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin30 (9): 1095–107. doi:10.1177/0146167203262085. PMID15359014.
Golden, T. D.; Veiga, J. F.; Dino, R. N. (2008). “The impact of professional isolation on teleworker job performance and turnover intentions: Does time spent teleworking, interacting face-to-face, or having access to communication-enhancing technology matter?”. Journal of Applied Psychology93 (6): 1412–1421. doi:10.1037/a0012722. PMID19025257.
Taylor, W. C., "At VeriFone, It's a Dog's Life (And they Love it)," Fast Company, 1995, 1 (Premiere Issue), pp. 115-121. “Archived copy”. 2006年10月19日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2006年5月16日閲覧。
Matthews, H. Scott; Eric Williams (February 28, 2012). “Telework Adoption and Energy Use in Building and Transport Sectors in the United States and Japan”. J. Infrastruct. Syst.SPECIAL ISSUE: SUSTAINABILITY OF TRANSPORTATION AND OTHER INFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEMS (11): 21–30. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)1076-0342(2005)11:1(21). ISSN1076-0342.