Ruth Seifert. “War and Rape. Analytical Approaches1”. Women's International League for Peace and Freedom. 2008年5月29日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。January 13, 2011閲覧。 “International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg 1946; Trial of the Major War Criminals, testimony of Jan. 31, 1946, Vol. 6:404ff; Vol. 7:456f; see also Hilberg 1961:126ff; Brownmiller 1978:55ff.”
Andrzej Kozlowski (2015年). “Settled history?” (PDF). p. 13. 2020年1月8日閲覧。
Ruth Seifert. “War and Rape. Analytical Approaches1”. Women's International League for Peace and Freedom. 2008年5月29日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。January 13, 2011閲覧。 “International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg 1946; Trial of the Major War Criminals, testimony of Jan. 31, 1946, Vol. 6:404ff; Vol. 7:456f; see also Hilberg 1961:126ff; Brownmiller 1978:55ff.”