“Interception Capabilities 2000, Sugar Grove, Virginia – COMSAT interception at ECHELON site”. Interception of Communications Section. Leeds, UK: Cyber-Rights & Cyber-Liberties (UK) (May 11, 1999). May 30, 2008時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。September 14, 2011閲覧。 “Interception Capabilities 2000 Report to the Director General for Research of the European Parliament (Scientific and Technical Options Assessment programme office) on the development of surveillance technology and risk of abuse of economic information.”
“Interception Capabilities 2000, Sugar Grove, Virginia – COMSAT interception at ECHELON site”. Interception of Communications Section. Leeds, UK: Cyber-Rights & Cyber-Liberties (UK) (May 11, 1999). May 30, 2008時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。September 14, 2011閲覧。 “Interception Capabilities 2000 Report to the Director General for Research of the European Parliament (Scientific and Technical Options Assessment programme office) on the development of surveillance technology and risk of abuse of economic information.”
“The National Radio Quiet Zone”. NRAO. July 14, 2016閲覧。 “NRAO operates the National Radio Quiet Zone at Green Bank. We briefly outline its salient characteristics, and our experience with its day to day operation.”
Hu, Elise (Oct 8, 2013). “Enter The Quiet Zone: Where Cell Service, Wi-Fi Are Banned”. National Public Radio. 2013年10月8日閲覧。 “To keep the zone protected from signals that could confuse the telescope, Niday and others from the NRAO drive the 20-mile radius around the Green Bank Telescope weekly, policing for possible interference.”