バイオレメディエーション (Japanese Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "バイオレメディエーション" in Japanese language version.

Global rank Japanese rank
4th place
24th place



  • Lovley, DR (2003). “Cleaning up with genomics: applying molecular biology to bioremediation”. NATURE REVIEWS. MICROBIOLOGY. 1 (1): 35–44. PMID 15040178. 
  • Brim H, McFarlan SC, Fredrickson JK, Minton KW, Zhai M, Wackett LP, Daly MJ (2000). “Engineering Deinococcus radiodurans for metal remediation in radioactive mixed waste environments”. NATURE BIOTECHNOLOGY 18 (1): 85–90. PMID 16645051.