ヒト上科 (Japanese Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "ヒト上科" in Japanese language version.

Global rank Japanese rank
2nd place
6th place
4th place
24th place
733rd place
809th place
5th place
19th place
low place
low place
102nd place
78th place
304th place
20th place



  • Colin P. Groves, “Order Primates,” Mammal Species of the World (3rd ed.), Don E. Wilson & DeeAnn M. Reeder (eds.), Volume 1, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005, Pages 111-184.


  • 岩本光雄「サルの分類名(その4:類人猿)」『霊長類研究』第3巻 2号、日本霊長類学会、1987年、119-126頁。
  • 國松豊「ヒト科の出現 中新世におけるヒト上科の展開」『地學雜誌』第111巻 6号、東京地学協会、2002年、798-815頁。doi:10.5026/jgeography.111.6_798
  • Thomas B. Friedman; George E. Polanco; Jerry C. Appold; James E. Mayle (1985). “On the loss of uricolytic activity during primate evolution—I. Silencing of urate oxidase in a hominoid ancestor”. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Comparative Biochemistry 81 (3): 653-659. doi:10.1016/0305-0491(85)90381-5. ISSN 0305-0491. PMID 3928241. https://doi.org/10.1016/0305-0491(85)90381-5. 
  • 中務真人・國松豊「アフリカの中新世旧世界ザルの進化:現生ヒト上科進化への影響」『Anthropological Science (Japanese Series)』第120巻 2号、日本人類学会、2012年、99 - 119頁。
  • M. Goodman, D. A. Tagle, D. H. Fitch, W. Bailey, J. Czelusniak, B. F. Koop, P. Benson, J. L. Slightom (1990). “Primate evolution at the DNA level and a classification of hominoids”. Journal of Molecular Evolution 30 (3): 260–266. doi:10.1007/BF02099995. PMID 2109087. 






  • Thomas B. Friedman; George E. Polanco; Jerry C. Appold; James E. Mayle (1985). “On the loss of uricolytic activity during primate evolution—I. Silencing of urate oxidase in a hominoid ancestor”. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Comparative Biochemistry 81 (3): 653-659. doi:10.1016/0305-0491(85)90381-5. ISSN 0305-0491. PMID 3928241. https://doi.org/10.1016/0305-0491(85)90381-5. 
  • M. Goodman, D. A. Tagle, D. H. Fitch, W. Bailey, J. Czelusniak, B. F. Koop, P. Benson, J. L. Slightom (1990). “Primate evolution at the DNA level and a classification of hominoids”. Journal of Molecular Evolution 30 (3): 260–266. doi:10.1007/BF02099995. PMID 2109087. 





  • Thomas B. Friedman; George E. Polanco; Jerry C. Appold; James E. Mayle (1985). “On the loss of uricolytic activity during primate evolution—I. Silencing of urate oxidase in a hominoid ancestor”. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Comparative Biochemistry 81 (3): 653-659. doi:10.1016/0305-0491(85)90381-5. ISSN 0305-0491. PMID 3928241. https://doi.org/10.1016/0305-0491(85)90381-5.