Wechsberg, J. (1972). The opera. Macmillan Co.. p. 189. https://archive.org/details/opera00wech29 April 2018閲覧. "... und Isolde depended on the availability of Birgit Nilsson; there was no one else in her class. (According to a story told around the Met., when an accountant helped Miss Nilsson with her income tax return and asked whether she had any dependents, she replied at once, "Yes, Mr Bing".)"
Leinsdorf, E. (1976). Cadenza: a musical career. Houghton Mifflin. p. 111. https://archive.org/details/cadenzamusicalca00lein29 April 2018閲覧. "The bill was Puccini's Turandot, the stars were Birgit Nilsson and Franco Corelli, the conductor Stokowski, and I sat next to Bing in the audience. Toward the close of "In questa reggia" in act two Nilsson held the high C longer than the tenor. Furious over this, Corelli stalked ... This appealed to Corelli, and all proceeded as suggested until at the final curtain Nilsson called for the general manager, loudly crying: "Mr. Bing, get me a veterinarian, I have the rabies." Bing told me later that the ..."
The New York Times Biographical Service. (1981). 1393. https://books.google.com/books?id=jDwoAQAAIAAJ29 April 2018閲覧. "As recently as last season, Donal Henahan declared that "the famous shining trumpet of a voice is still far from sounding like a cornet." Miss Nilsson's longevity in this taxing profession is a marvel. She has outlasted even Kirsten Flagstad who left the operatic stage at 58."
The New York Times Biographical Service. (1981). 1393. https://books.google.com/books?id=jDwoAQAAIAAJ29 April 2018閲覧. "It is Birgit Nilsson — and although 63 years old and a survivor of 35 years in the world's most demanding- dramatic soprano repertory, she can still summon an instrument of stunning power and clarity. ... Payment schedules were worked out, tempers soothed, and in February, 1980, Miss Nilsson gave New York a triumphant "Elektra. ... As she travels the world, her honors follow her — one of them a newly issued Swedish postage stamp bearing her likeness in the role of "Turandot"."
Nordic Council (1981) (Swedish). Nordisk kontakt. Statens reproduktionsanstalt. p. 724. https://books.google.com/books?id=miIdAAAAIAAJ29 April 2018閲覧. "Sångerskan Birgit Nilsson har fått Illis Qourum i I8:e storleken. Hon fick medaljen för "sina synnerligen uppmärksammade insatser inom operan och annan sångkonst", heter det i regeringens motivering. Det är första gången Illis Quorum i 18:e storleken tilldelats en kvinna och det är fem år sedan den delades ut förra gången."
Leach, H.G.; American-Scandinavian Foundation (1966). The American-Scandinavian Review. American-Scandinavian Foundation.. p. 203. https://books.google.com/books?id=nMsgAAAAMAAJ29 April 2018閲覧. "The Leonie Sonning Prize for 1966 was recently awarded the Swedish singer BirgitNilsson. The amount of the Prize is 50,000 Danish kroner. The Leonie Sonning Prize was awarded for the first time in 1959, with Igor Stravinsky being the recipient. The 1965 winner was conductor Leonard Bernstein."
Theatre in Denmark. Danish Centre of the I.T.I.. (1966). p. 3. https://books.google.com/books?id=1w8iAQAAMAAJ29 April 2018閲覧. "This year's Leonie Sonning Music Prize was given to Birgit Nilsson, who visited The Royal Theatre on May 17th, 1966, for a guest performance in "Fidelio". Birgit Nilsson honoured yong Danish singers by donating her salary for this performance to be used as a scholarship for two young female singers."
International Record Review. International Record Review. (2006). p. 1. https://books.google.com/books?id=cEE5AQAAIAAJ29 April 2018閲覧. "The world of opera is mourning Birgit Nilsson, who died on December 25th. On page 14 John Hughes relates a few tales about her famed wit, including an anecdote regarding her strained relationship with Rudolf Bing, to which could be added another. When asked if Nilsson was difficult, Bing's response was, 'Not at all, you put enough money in and a glorious voice comes out. When preparing her taxes, Nilsson was asked if she had any dependents ..."
Seghers, R. (2008). Franco Corelli: prince of tenors. Opera biography series. Amadeus Press. p. 216. https://books.google.com/books?id=olEIAQAAMAAJ29 April 2018閲覧. "Later she sent a legendary telegram to Rudolf Bing: "Muss die kommende Vorstellungen absagen stop schwere Bissverletzung stop Birgit" (Have to cancel all coming performances stop severe bite wounds stop Birgit). Bing, in whom Birgit Nilsson had found a lively verbal sparring partner since her arrival at the Met, immediately saw the public-relations value of the telegram and leaked to the press that Nilsson had written that she had contracted rabies. From there the story ..."
(Swedish) Veckojournalen. Åhlén & Åkerlunds. (1969). p. 40. https://books.google.com/books?id=eAMdAQAAMAAJ29 April 2018閲覧. "Gå in bara, och när du ska kyssa henne så bit henne ordentligt!" Det gjorde Corelli. Nästa dag fick Bing ett telegram : Kan inte sjunga. Biten av en hund. Har rabies. Birgit Nilsson. — Man ska skämta sig igenom vardagen, sa hon en gång. Det är säkert inget dumt recept ..."
Mihalap, H. (1994). Where There's Hope: There's Life and Laughter. Trudy Knox, Publisher. p. 82. ISBN978-0-9611354-6-1. https://books.google.com/books?id=nXfWAAAAMAAJ29 April 2018閲覧. "By now legendary is the night in Boston that Birgit Nilsson, the great Swedish soprano, held a note longer than Franco Corelli, who had near apoplexy about it later in the dressing room. He threatened to quit that instant until Bing cleverly suggested he bite Nilsson in the next act. Apparently he lost his nerve, but later Nilsson sent Bing a telegram from Minneapolis, the next stop on the tour. "Corelli bit me tonight," she wired, "am being treated for rabies.""
The New York Times Biographical Service. (1971). 4301. https://books.google.com/books?id=xiJBAQAAIAAJ29 April 2018閲覧. "Several years ago, in response to his detailed, two- page cablegram offering her a long list of new production Miss Nilsson sent the maestro a curt two-word cable: "Busy. Birgit". Their feud broke into print two years ago when the soprano canceled several Metropolitan engagements because she felt Mr. von Karajan wanted to work another soprano into her favorite parts. "When the birds aren't happy they don't sing," she declared. Such Nilsson moods pass quickly, ordinarily."