Dating the Shroud by Brendan Whiting; author of landmark "The Shroud Story" book that effectively challenged the 14th Century carbon 14 dating of 1988 [1]
This website gives information on the Congregation of the Sisters of Merciful Jesus foundation as an association in 1942 and as a congregation of diocesan right (originally under the name "Sisters of Jesus Christ the Merciful Redeemer") on 2 August 1955 and received papal approval on 13 May 2008. It also gives information on the more recent Community of the Brothers of Merciful Jesus and Institute of Divine Mercy.
"During this time, Fr. Sopocko also began working on a treatise De Misericordia Dei Deque Eiusdem Festo Instituendo about the concept of Divine Mercy and about the Feast in its honor. He was encouraged by Cardinal August Hlond even before the war to pursue this work at the time when Fr. Sopocko had presented the Cardinal with his research regarding the matter of Divine Mercy."