Harold Courtenay Armstrong, Grey Wolf, Mustafa Kemal: An Intimate Study of a Dictator (fifth cheap edition, July 1935), p. 37. "He cared nothing for the international aims and troubles of Jews. He cared less for the Masonic Ritual and spoke of it with contempt. He was a Turk, proud of being a Turk, and only interested in saving Turkey from the incompetence and despotism of the Sultan and the grasping hands of the foreigners." (「彼はユダヤ人の国際的な目的や問題には関心がなかった。彼はメーソンの儀式にはさして関心がなく、軽蔑の念をもってそれを語っていた。彼はトルコ人であり、トルコ人であることに誇りを持ち、トルコをスルタンの無能と専制と外国人の掌握から救うことだけに関心があった」。 )
“Mrs. Elizabeth Aldworth”. Biography/Aldworth. Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon (2002年2月25日). 2007年4月25日閲覧。 “upon secretly observing the first two degrees of a lodge at labour in her father's home, she was discovered and, after discussion, initiated in the Entered Apprentice and Fellowcraft Degree. A champion of Freemasonry”
Paul M. Bessel (Past Senior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of Washington DC). “Vice Presidents of the U.S. & Freemasonry”. Paul M. Bessel's Homepage. 2013年10月7日閲覧。
In Memoriam, in the "Transactions of the Supreme Council of the 33d and last Degree for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States of America", Scottish Rite (Masonic order), House of the Temple, 1893.
"Harold LLoyd"Archived 2009年1月22日, at the Wayback Machine. "In 1949, Harold's face graced the cover of TIME Magazine as the Imperial Potentate of the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, their highest-ranking position. He devoted an entire year to visiting 130 temples across the country giving speeches for over 700,000 Shriners. The last twenty years of his life he worked tirelessly for the twenty-two Shriner Hospitals for Children and in 1960s, he was named President and Chairman of the Board.
"James Wilson and James Sloan, who along with 'Diamond' Dan Winter, issued the first Orange lodge warrants from Sloan's Loughgall inn, were masons." The Men of no Popery, The Origins Of The Orange Order, by Jim Smyth, from History Ireland Vol 3 No 3 Autumn 1995
Seddon, Richard John An Encyclopaedia of New Zealand 1966 edited by A. H. McLintock
“"Masonic Prime Ministers Of Australia",”. The Lectern. In "The Lectern " The Official Publication Of The W.H.J.Mayers Memorial Lodge Of Research Holden Under The Charter Of Gregory Lodge No. 50h Uglq. 2013年6月3日閲覧。
"Harold LLoyd"Archived 2009年1月22日, at the Wayback Machine. "In 1949, Harold's face graced the cover of TIME Magazine as the Imperial Potentate of the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, their highest-ranking position. He devoted an entire year to visiting 130 temples across the country giving speeches for over 700,000 Shriners. The last twenty years of his life he worked tirelessly for the twenty-two Shriner Hospitals for Children and in 1960s, he was named President and Chairman of the Board.
Smith, Claiborne T., Jr. (1979). Powell, William S.. ed. Dictionary of North Carolina Biography. 1. (A-C). Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA: University of North Carolina Press. pp. 92–93. ISBN0-8078-1329-X
Papenheim, Martin (2012). “Suche nach dem Grund allen Seins [The Search for the Reason of all Life]” (German). Damals (5): 24–31.