Martel, William C. (1998). “Why Ukraine gave up nuclear weapons: nonproliferation incentives and disincentives”. In Barry R. Schneider; William L. Dowdy. Pulling Back from the Nuclear Brink: Reducing and Countering Nuclear Threats. Psychology Press. pp. 88-104. ISBN9780714648569. August 2014閲覧. "There are some reports that Ukraine had established effective custody, but not operational control, of the cruise missiles and gravity bombs. ... By early 1994 the only barrier to Ukraine's ability to exercise full operational control over the nuclear weapons on missiles and bombers deployed on its soil was its inability to circumvent Russian permissive action links (PALs)."
Michael Colborne: Russia’s bald-faced lies by Michael Colborne, National Post, February 4, 2016. 本文質問の答えとして、The answer: it says that, when it comes to the Kremlin, we’re dealing with a way of lying we’re not used to seeing.要は、ロシア政治家ならもっと見分けのつかない嘘をつくものだが、と皮肉っている。