ペイガニズム (Japanese Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "ペイガニズム" in Japanese language version.

Global rank Japanese rank
3rd place
61st place
360th place
1,515th place
155th place
976th place


  • E. Kessler, Dionysian Monotheism in Nea Paphos, Cyprus "two monotheistic religions, Dionysian and Christian, existed contemporaneously in Nea Paphos during the 4th century C.E. [...] the particular iconography of Hermes and Dionysos in the panel of the Epiphany of Dionysos [...] represents the culmination of a Pagan iconographic tradition in which an infant divinity is seated on the lap of another divine figure; this Pagan motif was appropriated by early Christian artists and developed into the standardized icon of the Virgin and Child. Thus the mosaic helps to substantiate the existence of Pagan monotheism." [1]



