Wallace (1992), 81–83. "Harvard officials had found out that he (Gates) and Allen had been making extensive use of the university's PDP-10 to develop a commercial product. The officials were not pleased." The computer was funded by the Department of Defense and was under the control of Professor Thomas Cheatham. "Although DARPA was funding the PDP-10 at Harvard, there was no written policy regarding its use. ... After the computer flap, Gates and Allen bought computer time from a timesharing service in Boston to put the finishing touches on their BASIC."
Morrow, George; Howard Fullmer (May 1978). “Microsystems Proposed Standard for the S-100 Bus Preliminary Specification, IEEE Task 696.1/D2”. Computer (IEEE) 11 (5): 84–90. doi:10.1109/C-M.1978.218190.