Mike Brewer. “Happy Birthday Dad”. Facebook.com. January 19, 2017閲覧。 “Happy Birthday to the greatest man a son could know. I love you tons Dad. Xxxx he's called Roger by the way.”
Mike Brewer. “Mum and Dad Marriage”. Facebook.com. January 19, 2017閲覧。 “Today it's all about family for me...44 years in the making and we couldn't be any happier for our Mum and Dad...x.”
“FRONTLINE BATTLE MACHINES”. MikeBrewer.TV. January 19, 2017閲覧。 “So he decided to find out for himself, by going to the front line in Afghanistan, speaking to the soldiers who use the kit and getting a unique insight into their life and the machinery they use in the field of battle.”
Sean McKellar. “Wheeler Dealers: S10 E8 – Ford Popular 103E”. motoringbox.com. January 19, 2017閲覧。 “Micky Bray built the famous “Pinball Wizard” Ford Popular from which the paint scheme idea was taken, and which was owned at one time by Mike’s dad, Roger.”