ミニマル・ミュージック (Japanese Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "ミニマル・ミュージック" in Japanese language version.

Global rank Japanese rank
3rd place
61st place
low place
low place
485th place
1,439th place
305th place
825th place
87th place
39th place
869th place
4,011th place



  • Cox & Warner 2004, p. 301 (in "Thankless Attempts at a Definition of Minimalism" by Kyle Gann): "Certainly many of the most famous minimalist pieces relied on a motorick 8th-note beat, although there were also several composers like Young and Niblock interested in drones with no beat at all. ... Perhaps “steady-beat-minimalism” is a criterion that could divide the minimalist repertoire into two mutually exclusive bodies of music, pulse-based music versus drone-based music.Steve Reich is thought of as the godfather of minimalism"




  • 外部リンク中の上野インタビューにその記述がある。KAWADE夢ムック ISBN:978-4-309-97833-8



  • 外部リンク中の15.: Minimalism and melody New York minimalism - Minimalism in Europe - Melody 17.: Holy Minimalisms Pärt - Tavener and Górecki - (Messiaen) - Ustvolskaya



  • Cox & Warner 2004, p. 301 (in "Thankless Attempts at a Definition of Minimalism" by Kyle Gann): "Certainly many of the most famous minimalist pieces relied on a motorick 8th-note beat, although there were also several composers like Young and Niblock interested in drones with no beat at all. ... Perhaps “steady-beat-minimalism” is a criterion that could divide the minimalist repertoire into two mutually exclusive bodies of music, pulse-based music versus drone-based music.Steve Reich is thought of as the godfather of minimalism"