メソスティグマ藻綱 (Japanese Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "メソスティグマ藻綱" in Japanese language version.

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2nd place
6th place
869th place
4,011th place
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8,442nd place
8,591st place


  • Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. (2019) AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, Nat. Univ. Ireland, Galway. searched on 7 December 2019.


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  • Bhattacharya, D., Weber, K., An, S. S. & Berning-Koch, W. (1998). “Actin phylogeny identifies Mesostigma viride as a flagellate ancestor of the land plants”. Journal of Molecular Evolution 47: 544-550. doi:10.1007/PL00006410. 
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  • Nedelcu, A. M., Borza, T. & Lee, R. W. (2006). “A land plant-specific multigene family in the unicellular Mesostigma argues for its close relationship to Streptophyta”. Molecular Biology and Evolution 23: 1011-1015. doi:10.1093/molbev/msj108. 
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  • Iwamoto, K. & Ikawa, T. (2000). “A novel glycolate oxidase requiring flavin mononucleotide as the cofactor in the prasinophycean alga Mesostigma viride”. Plant and Cell Physiology 41: 988-991. doi:10.1093/pcp/pcd020. 
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  • Lemieux, C., Otis, C. & Turmel, M. (2000). “Ancestral chloroplast genome in Mesostigma viride reveals an early branch of green plant evolution”. Nature 403: 649-652. doi:10.1038/35001059. 
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  • Gitzendanner, M. A., Soltis, P. S., Wong, G. K. S., Ruhfel, B. R. & Soltis, D. E. (2018). “Plastid phylogenomic analysis of green plants: a billion years of evolutionary history”. American Journal of Botany 105: 291-301. doi:10.1002/ajb2.1048. 
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  • Lemieux, C., Otis, C. & Turmel, M (2007). “A clade uniting the green algae Mesostigma viride and Chlorokybus atmophyticus represents the deepest branch of the Streptophyta in chloroplast genome-based phylogenies”. BMC Biology 5: 2. doi:10.1186/1741-7007-5-2. 
  • Marin, B. & Melkonian, M. (1999). “Mesostigmatophyceae, a new class of streptophyte green algae revealed by SSU rRNA sequence comparisons”. Protist 150: 399-417. doi:10.1016/S1434-4610(99)70041-6. 
  • Cheng, S., Xian, W., Fu, Y., Marin, B., Keller, J., Wu, T., ... & Wittek, S. (2019). “Genomes of subaerial Zygnematophyceae provide insights into land plant evolution”. Cell 179: 1057-1067. doi:10.1016/j.cell.2019.10.019. 



