x (2007年1月31日). “Operational Concept”. Israel: Ministry of Defense (Israel). 2013年9月18日閲覧。 “The Security Fence is a multi layered composite obstacle comprisedof several elements: * A ditch and a pyramid shaped stack of six coils of barbed wire on the eastern side of the structure, barbed wire only on the western side. * A path enabling the patrol of IDF forces on both sides of the structure. * An intrusion- detection fence, in the center, with sensors to warn of any incursion. * Smoothed strip of sand that runs parallel to the fence, to detect footprints.”[リンク切れ]
x (2007年1月31日). “Operational Concept”. Israel: Ministry of Defense (Israel). 2013年9月18日閲覧。 “This particular design is used in a minority of cases- a total of 8 km (5 mi) in the initial stages of the project (4%). Its main purpose is to prevent sniper fire into Israel and on major highways and roads. In this case, a solid concrete wall resembling a highway sound barrier often used in the US and Europe is erected. This design is used mainly along the new Trans - Israel Highway, in Bat Hefer and Matan, and in densely populated urban areas such as Jerusalem. Once the whole project is completed, the portion of the concrete sections will be 6%, about 30キロメートル (19 mi).”[リンク切れ]