ロンギスクアマ (Japanese Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "ロンギスクアマ" in Japanese language version.

Global rank Japanese rank
2nd place
6th place
4th place
24th place
18th place
107th place
5th place
19th place


  • Prum, R. O./Unwin, D.M., Benton, M.J./Response; Jones, T.D., Ruben, J.A., Maderson, P.F.A., Martin, L.D. (9 March 2001). “Longisquama Fossil and Feather Morphology”. Science 291 (5510): 1899–1902. doi:10.1126/science.291.5510.1899c. PMID 11245191. 
  • Jones, T.D.; Ruben, J.A.; Martin, L.D.; Kurochkin, E.; Feduccia, A.; Maderson, P.F.A.; Hillenius, W.J.; Geist, N.R. et al. (23 June 2000). “Nonavian Feathers in a Late Triassic Archosaur”. Science 288 (5474): 2202–2205. Bibcode2000Sci...288.2202J. doi:10.1126/science.288.5474.2202. PMID 10864867. 
  • Prum, R.O. (2002). “Are current critiques of the theropod origin of birds science? Rebuttal to Feduccia”. The Auk 120 (2): 550–561. doi:10.1642/0004-8038(2003)120[0550:ACCOTT]2.0.CO;2. ISSN 0004-8038. 
  • Reisz, R.R.; Sues, H.-D. (23 November 2000). “The "Feathers" of Longisquama”. Nature 408 (6811): 428. doi:10.1038/35044204. PMID 11100716. 
  • Buchwitz, M.; Voigt, S. (2012). “The dorsal appendages of the Triassic reptile Longisquama insignis: reconsideration of a controversial integument type”. Paläontologische Zeitschrift 86 (3): 313–331. doi:10.1007/s12542-012-0135-3. 
  • Senter, P. (2004). “Phylogeny of the Drepanosauridae (Reptilia: Diapsida)”. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 2 (3): 257–268. doi:10.1017/S1477201904001427. 





  • Prum, R. O./Unwin, D.M., Benton, M.J./Response; Jones, T.D., Ruben, J.A., Maderson, P.F.A., Martin, L.D. (9 March 2001). “Longisquama Fossil and Feather Morphology”. Science 291 (5510): 1899–1902. doi:10.1126/science.291.5510.1899c. PMID 11245191. 
  • Jones, T.D.; Ruben, J.A.; Martin, L.D.; Kurochkin, E.; Feduccia, A.; Maderson, P.F.A.; Hillenius, W.J.; Geist, N.R. et al. (23 June 2000). “Nonavian Feathers in a Late Triassic Archosaur”. Science 288 (5474): 2202–2205. Bibcode2000Sci...288.2202J. doi:10.1126/science.288.5474.2202. PMID 10864867. 
  • Reisz, R.R.; Sues, H.-D. (23 November 2000). “The "Feathers" of Longisquama”. Nature 408 (6811): 428. doi:10.1038/35044204. PMID 11100716. 

