位置独立コード (Japanese Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "位置独立コード" in Japanese language version.

Global rank Japanese rank
153rd place
260th place
low place
low place
low place
low place
1st place
1st place


  • Alexander Gabert (January 2004). “Position Independent Code internals”. Hardened Gentoo. 2009年12月3日閲覧。 “direct non-PIC-aware addressing is always cheaper (read: faster) than PIC addressing.”



  • Matt Pietrek (February 2002). “An In-Depth Look into the Win32 Portable Executable File Format”. MSDN Magazine. 2012年1月28日閲覧。 “PE files can load just about anywhere in the process address space. While they do have a preferred load address, you can't rely on the executable file actually loading there. To avoid having hardcoded memory addresses in PE files, RVAs are used. An RVA is simply an offset in memory, relative to where the PE file was loaded.”
  • Matt Pietrek (December 2000). “MSDN Magazine - Under the Hood - Programming for 64-bit Windows”. 2011年2月9日閲覧。 “Position-independent code eliminates the need for the base relocations that are used in the x86 version of Windows.”


  • Rick Anderson (January 2000). “The End of DLL Hell”. Microsoft Developer Network. 2007年4月19日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2007年4月26日閲覧。 “Sharing common DLLs does provide a significant savings on memory load. But Windows is not always able to share one instance of a DLL that is loaded by multiple processes.”



  • John R. Levine (October 1999). “Chapter 8: Loading and overlays”. Linkers and Loaders. San Francisco: Morgan-Kauffman. pp. 170–171. ISBN 1-55860-496-0. http://darcs.olsner.se/Linker/linker-book/linker08.html 


  • Rick Anderson (January 2000). “The End of DLL Hell”. Microsoft Developer Network. 2007年4月19日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2007年4月26日閲覧。 “Sharing common DLLs does provide a significant savings on memory load. But Windows is not always able to share one instance of a DLL that is loaded by multiple processes.”