FRUS 1946 I, Document 91: Minutes by the United States Delegation of the Five-Power Informal Meeting, Held at London, Claridge's Hotel, January 28, 1946, 9 p.m.
FRUS 1946 I, Document 70: Minutes of the First Meeting of the United States Delegation, on Board the Queen Elizabeth, January 2, 1946, 11 a.m.
FRUS 1961–1963 XXV, Document 182: Memorandum From the Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs (Cleveland) to Acting Secretary of State Bowles, September 18, 1961.
FRUS 1961–1963 XXV, Document 189: Telegram From the Department of State to the Mission to the United Nations, October 25, 1961, 10:36 a.m.