プロクロスやそれ以降の新プラトン主義者によって『アルマゲスト』が学ばれた様子については Pingree,, David. "The Teaching of the Almagest in Late Antiquity" Apeiron, vol. 27, no. 4, 1994, pp. 75-98. https://doi.org/10.1515/APEIRON.1994.27.4.75
例えば、Religion and Science, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy,[1] (2024,12/31閲覧)の 1.3節に、conflict model(闘争モデル)を紹介した後、"The vast majority of authors in the science and religion field is critical of the conflict model and believes it is based on a shallow and partisan reading of the historical record. "。
例えば、Religion and Science, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy,[3] (2024,12/31閲覧)の 1.3節に、conflict model(闘争モデル)を紹介した後、"The vast majority of authors in the science and religion field is critical of the conflict model and believes it is based on a shallow and partisan reading of the historical record. "。