幾何学的群論 (Japanese Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "幾何学的群論" in Japanese language version.

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6th place
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275th place
451st place
1,252nd place
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61st place
69th place
227th place





  • P. de la Harpe, Topics in geometric group theory. Chicago Lectures in Mathematics. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL, 2000. ISBN 0-226-31719-6, 0-226-31721-8.
  • Stillwell, John (2002), Mathematics and its history, Springer, p. 374, ISBN 978-0-387-95336-6 
  • Roger Lyndon and Paul Schupp, Combinatorial Group Theory, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1977. Reprinted in the "Classics in mathematics" series, 2000.
  • Bowditch, Brian H. (1999). Treelike Structures Arising from Continua and Convergence Groups. Memoirs American Mathematical Society. 662. American Mathematical Society. ISBN 978-0-8218-1003-3. https://books.google.com/books?id=95nTCQAAQBAJ 
  • Kapovich, M. (2001). Hyperbolic Manifolds and Discrete Groups. Progress in Mathematics. 183. Birkhäuser. ISBN 978-0-8176-3904-4. https://books.google.com/books?id=YmphheDo18kC 


  • Greendlinger, Martin (1960). “Dehn's algorithm for the word problem”. Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 13 (1): 67–83. doi:10.1002/cpa.3160130108. 
  • Greendlinger, Martin (1961). “An analogue of a theorem of Magnus”. Archiv der Mathematik 12 (1): 94–96. doi:10.1007/BF01650530. 
  • Elek, Gabor (2006). “The mathematics of Misha Gromov”. Acta Mathematica Hungarica 113 (3): 171–185. doi:10.1007/s10474-006-0098-5. 
  • Riley, Tim R. (2003). “Higher connectedness of asymptotic cones”. Topology 42 (6): 1289–1352. doi:10.1016/S0040-9383(03)00002-8. 
  • Kramer, Linus; Shelah, Saharon; Tent, Katrin; Thomas, Simon (2005). “Asymptotic cones of finitely presented groups”. Advances in Mathematics 193 (1): 142–173. arXiv:math/0306420. doi:10.1016/j.aim.2004.04.012. 
  • Schwartz, R.E. (1995). “The quasi-isometry classification of rank one lattices”. Publications Mathématiques de l'Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques 82 (1): 133–168. doi:10.1007/BF02698639. 
  • Farb, Benson; Mosher, Lee (1998). “A rigidity theorem for the solvable Baumslag–Solitar groups. With an appendix by Daryl Cooper”. Inventiones Mathematicae 131 (2): 419–451. doi:10.1007/s002220050210. MR1608595. 
  • Sela, Zlil (1995). “The isomorphism problem for hyperbolic groups. I”. Annals of Mathematics 141 (2): 217–283. doi:10.2307/2118520. JSTOR 2118520. MR1324134. 
  • Farb, Benson (1998). “Relatively hyperbolic groups”. Geometric and Functional Analysis 8 (5): 810–840. doi:10.1007/s000390050075. MR1650094. 
  • Kharlampovich, Olga; Myasnikov, Alexei (1998). “Tarski's problem about the elementary theory of free groups has a positive solution”. Electronic Research Announcements of the American Mathematical Society 4: 101–8. doi:10.1090/S1079-6762-98-00047-X. MR1662319. 
  • Bridson, M.R. (1999). “Fractional isoperimetric inequalities and subgroup distortion”. Journal of the American Mathematical Society 12 (4): 1103–18. doi:10.1090/S0894-0347-99-00308-2. MR1678924. 
  • Dunwoody, M.J.; Sageev, M.E. (1999). “JSJ-splittings for finitely presented groups over slender groups”. Inventiones Mathematicae 135 (1): 25–44. doi:10.1007/s002220050278. 
  • Scott, P.; Swarup, G.A. (2002). “Regular neighbourhoods and canonical decompositions for groups”. Electronic Research Announcements of the American Mathematical Society 8: 20–28. doi:10.1090/S1079-6762-02-00102-6. MR1928498. 
  • Bowditch, B.H. (1998). “Cut points and canonical splittings of hyperbolic groups”. Acta Mathematica 180 (2): 145–186. doi:10.1007/BF02392898. 
  • Fujiwara, K.; Papasoglu, P. (2006). “JSJ-decompositions of finitely presented groups and complexes of groups”. Geometric and Functional Analysis 16 (1): 70–125. arXiv:math/0507424. doi:10.1007/s00039-006-0550-2. 
  • Mineyev, I.; Yu, G. (2002). “The Baum–Connes conjecture for hyperbolic groups”. Inventiones Mathematicae 149 (1): 97–122. arXiv:math/0105086. doi:10.1007/s002220200214. 
  • Bonk, M.; Kleiner, B. (2005). “Conformal dimension and Gromov hyperbolic groups with 2-sphere boundary”. Geometry and Topology 9: 219–246. arXiv:math.GR/0208135. doi:10.2140/gt.2005.9.219. 
  • Cannon, J.W.; Floyd, W.J.; Parry, W.R. (2001). “Finite subdivision rules”. Conformal Geometry and Dynamics 5: 153–196. doi:10.1090/S1088-4173-01-00055-8. MR1875951. 
  • Bestvina, M.; Feighn, M. (1995). “Stable actions of groups on real trees”. Inventiones Mathematicae 121 (2): 287–321. doi:10.1007/BF01884300. 
  • Kapovich, I.; Miasnikov, A.; Schupp, P.; Shpilrain, V. (2003). “Generic-case complexity, decision problems in group theory, and random walks”. Journal of Algebra 264 (2): 665–694. doi:10.1016/S0021-8693(03)00167-4. 
  • Kapovich, I.; Schupp, P.; Shpilrain, V. (2006). “Generic properties of Whitehead's algorithm and isomorphism rigidity of random one-relator groups”. Pacific Journal of Mathematics 223 (1): 113–140. doi:10.2140/pjm.2006.223.113. 
  • Monod, N.; Shalom, Y. (2006). “Orbit equivalence rigidity and bounded cohomology”. Annals of Mathematics (2) 164 (3): 825–878. doi:10.4007/annals.2006.164.825. JSTOR 20160009. 
  • Culler, M.; Vogtmann, K. (1986). “Moduli of graphs and automorphisms of free groups”. Inventiones Mathematicae 84 (1): 91–119. doi:10.1007/BF01388734. 
  • Dunwoody, M.J. (1985). “The accessibility of finitely presented groups”. Inventiones Mathematicae 81 (3): 449–457. doi:10.1007/BF01388581. 
  • Bestvina, M.; Feighn, M. (1991). “Bounding the complexity of simplicial group actions on trees”. Inventiones Mathematicae 103 (3): 449–469. doi:10.1007/BF01239522. 
  • Sela, Z. (1997). “Acylindrical accessibility for groups”. Inventiones Mathematicae 129 (3): 527–565. doi:10.1007/s002220050172. 
  • Bestvina, M.; Kapovich, M.; Kleiner, B. (2002). “Van Kampen's embedding obstruction for discrete groups”. Inventiones Mathematicae 150 (2): 219–235. arXiv:math/0010141. doi:10.1007/s00222-002-0246-7. 
  • Ivanov, S.V. (1994). “The free Burnside groups of sufficiently large exponents”. International Journal of Algebra and Computation 4 (1n2): 1–309. doi:10.1142/S0218196794000026. 
  • Lysënok, I.G. (1996). “Infinite Burnside groups of even exponent”. Izvestiya: Mathematics 60 (3): 453–654. doi:10.1070/im1996v060n03abeh000077. 


  • Sela, Zlil (1995). “The isomorphism problem for hyperbolic groups. I”. Annals of Mathematics 141 (2): 217–283. doi:10.2307/2118520. JSTOR 2118520. MR1324134. 
  • Sapir, Mark; Birget, Jean-Camille; Rips, Eliyahu (2002). “Isoperimetric and isodiametric functions of groups”. Annals of Mathematics 156 (2): 345–466. JSTOR 3597195. 
  • Birget, Jean-Camille; Olʹshanskiĭ, Aleksandr Yu.; Rips, Eliyahu; Sapir, Mark (2002). “Isoperimetric functions of groups and computational complexity of the word problem”. Annals of Mathematics 156 (2): 467–518. JSTOR 3597196. 
  • Rips, E.; Sela, Z. (1997). “Cyclic splittings of finitely presented groups and the canonical JSJ decomposition”. Annals of Mathematics (2) 146 (1): 53–109. JSTOR 2951832. 
  • Yu, G. (1998). “The Novikov conjecture for groups with finite asymptotic dimension”. Annals of Mathematics (2) 147 (2): 325–355. JSTOR 121011. 
  • Furman, A. (1999). “Gromov's measure equivalence and rigidity of higher rank lattices”. Annals of Mathematics (2) 150 (3): 1059–81. JSTOR 121062. 
  • Monod, N.; Shalom, Y. (2006). “Orbit equivalence rigidity and bounded cohomology”. Annals of Mathematics (2) 164 (3): 825–878. doi:10.4007/annals.2006.164.825. JSTOR 20160009. 
  • Bestvina, M.; Handel, M. (1992). “Train tracks and automorphisms of free groups”. Annals of Mathematics (2) 135 (1): 1–51. JSTOR 2946562. 
  • Kaimanovich, V.A. (2000). “The Poisson formula for groups with hyperbolic properties”. Annals of Mathematics (2) 152 (3): 659–692. JSTOR 2661351.