毛細管現象 (Japanese Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "毛細管現象" in Japanese language version.

Global rank Japanese rank
3rd place
61st place
1,624th place
4,962nd place
124th place
1,428th place
178th place
12th place




  • In his book of 1759, Giovani Batista Clemente Nelli (1725–1793) stated (p. 87) that he had "un libro di problem vari geometrici ec. e di speculazioni, ed esperienze fisiche ec." (a book of various geometric problems and of speculation and physical experiments, etc.) by Aggiunti. On pages 91–92, he quotes from this book: Aggiunti attributed capillary action to "moto occulto" (hidden/secret motion). He proposed that mosquitoes, butterflies, and bees feed via capillary action, and that sap ascends in plants via capillary action. See: Giovambatista Clemente Nelli, Saggio di Storia Letteraria Fiorentina del Secolo XVII ... [Essay on Florence's literary history in the 17th century, ... ] (Lucca, (Italy): Vincenzo Giuntini, 1759), pp. 91–92.
  • Jacob Bernoulli, Dissertatio de Gravitate Ætheris (Amsterdam, Netherlands: Hendrik Wetsten, 1683).
  • Isaac Vossius, De Nili et Aliorum Fluminum Origine [On the sources of the Nile and other rivers] (Hague (Hagæ Comitis), Netherlands: Adrian Vlacq, 1666), pages 3–7 (chapter 2).


  • 第2版,法則の辞典, デジタル大辞泉,精選版 日本国語大辞典,日本大百科全書(ニッポニカ),改訂新版 世界大百科事典,ブリタニカ国際大百科事典 小項目事典,百科事典マイペディア,化学辞典. “毛管現象(モウカンゲンショウ)とは? 意味や使い方”. コトバンク. 2024年5月16日閲覧。

