Qi, Dongtao (November 11, 2013). “Globalization, Social Justice Issues, Political and Economic Nationalism in Taiwan: An Explanation of the Limited Resurgence of the DPP during 2008–2012”. The China Quarterly216: 1018–1044. doi:10.1017/S0305741013001124. "Furthermore, the studies also suggest that the DPP, as a centre-left party opposed to the centre-right KMT, has been the leading force in addressing Taiwan's various social justice issues."
“Terry Glavin: Taiwan and its courageous leader a rare bright spot in our dreary COVID world”. National Post (May 20, 2020). June 19, 2020閲覧。 “President Tsai went into Wednesday’s ceremony with an approval rating of 70.3 per cent after besting her opponents in a landslide re-election in January, all the while quietly enduring Beijing’s subversive efforts to unseat her and Xi Jinping’s constant threats of war and occupation.The Taiwanese have been blessed with four years of Tsai’s avowedly liberal, mildly social-democratic and happily free-enterprise government.”