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Rodríguez-Alcalá LM, Alonso L, Fontecha J (2014). “Stability of fatty acid composition after thermal, high pressure, and microwave processing of cow milk as affected by polyunsaturated fatty acid concentration”. Journal of Dairy Science97 (12): 7307-15. doi:10.3168/jds.2013-7849. PMID25459902.
Herzallah SM, Humeid MA, Al-Ismail KM (2005). “Effect of heating and processing methods of milk and dairy products on conjugated linoleic acid and trans fatty Acid isomer content”. J. Dairy Sci.88 (4): 1301-10. doi:10.3168/jds.S0022-0302(05)72796-X. PMID15778297.
Tunick MH, Ren DX, Van Hekken DL, et al. (2016). “Effect of heat and homogenization on in vitro digestion of milk”. J. Dairy Sci.99 (6): 4124-39. doi:10.3168/jds.2015-10474. PMID27060826.
Qi PX, Ren D, Xiao Y, Tomasula PM (2015). “Effect of homogenization and pasteurization on the structure and stability of whey protein in milk”. J. Dairy Sci.98 (5): 2884-97. doi:10.3168/jds.2014-8920. PMID25704975.
Van Hekken DL, Tunick MH, Ren DX, Tomasula PM (2017). “Comparing the effect of homogenization and heat processing on the properties and in vitro digestion of milk from organic and conventional dairy herds”. J. Dairy Sci.100 (8): 6042-6052. doi:10.3168/jds.2016-12089. PMID28624284.