窓税 (Japanese Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "窓税" in Japanese language version.

Global rank Japanese rank
2,465th place
low place
20th place
100th place
903rd place
7,458th place




  • Nicholas Vansittart was Chancellor when Napoleon was defeated [in 1815. His inclination was to maintain some tax on income, but public sentiment and the opposition were against him. A year after Waterloo, income tax was repealed ‘with a thundering peal of applause’ and Parliament decided that all documents connected with it should be collected, cut into pieces and pulped.]”. 2024年3月19日閲覧。
  • Nicholas Vansittart was Chancellor when Napoleon was defeated [in 1815. His inclination was to maintain some tax on income, but public sentiment and the opposition were against him. A year after Waterloo, income tax was repealed ‘with a thundering peal of applause’ and Parliament decided that all documents connected with it should be collected, cut into pieces and pulped.]”. 2024年3月19日閲覧。