部分予混合燃焼 (Japanese Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "部分予混合燃焼" in Japanese language version.

Global rank Japanese rank
2,912th place
3,058th place
low place
low place
2nd place
6th place


  • Putrasari, Yanuandri; Lim, Ocktaeck (2019). “A Review of Gasoline Compression Ignition: A Promising Technology Potentially Fueled with Mixtures of Gasoline and Biodiesel to Meet Future Engine Efficiency and Emission Targets”. Energies 12 (2): 238. doi:10.3390/en12020238. 



  • Johansson, Bengt (2016年). “Fuels and Combustion” (PDF). wiley-vch.de. Wiley-VCH. 2016年8月29日閲覧。 “The concept is based on injection rather late in the compression stroke and operation with a significant ignition delay. A crude definition of PPC is that all the fuel should be in the cylinder at the time of ignition. This means that start of combustion (SOC) should be after end of injection (EOI). Most often, multiple injections are used with PPC to generate a suitable stratification of fuel/air in the cylinder at the time of ignition”