“Actions of tramadol, its enantiomers and principal metabolite, O-desmethyltramadol, on serotonin (5-HT) efflux and uptake in the rat dorsal raphe nucleus”. British Journal of Anaesthesia79 (3): 352–6. (September 1997). doi:10.1093/bja/79.3.352. PMID9389855.
“Opioid-induced hyperalgesia: where are we now?”. Current Opinion in Supportive and Palliative Care9 (2): 116–21. (June 2015). doi:10.1097/SPC.0000000000000137. PMID25872113.
“The efficacy of combination analgesic therapy in relieving dental pain”. Journal of the American Dental Association133 (7): 861–71. (July 2002). doi:10.14219/jada.archive.2002.0300. PMID12148679.
“Nefopam analgesia and its role in multimodal analgesia: A review of preclinical and clinical studies”. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology & Physiology43 (1): 3–12. (January 2016). doi:10.1111/1440-1681.12506. PMID26475417.
“Flupirtine shows functional NMDA receptor antagonism by enhancing Mg2+ block via activation of voltage independent potassium channels. Rapid communication”. Journal of Neural Transmission106 (9–10): 857–67. (1999). doi:10.1007/s007020050206. PMID10599868.
“Flupirtine: pharmacology and clinical applications of a nonopioid analgesic and potentially neuroprotective compound”. Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy10 (9): 1495–500. (June 2009). doi:10.1517/14656560902988528. PMID19505216.
“Positive reinforcing effects of flupirtine--two case reports”. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry34 (6): 1120–1. (August 2010). doi:10.1016/j.pnpbp.2010.03.031. PMID20362025.
“Pharmacokinetics of intravenous ibuprofen: implications of time of infusion in the treatment of pain and fever”. Drugs72 (3): 327–37. (February 2012). doi:10.2165/11599230-000000000-00000. PMID22316349.
“Oral ibuprofen versus intravenous ibuprofen or intravenous indomethacin for the treatment of patent ductus arteriosus in preterm infants: a systematic review and meta-analysis”. Neonatology102 (1): 9–15. (2012). doi:10.1159/000335332. PMID22414850.
“Ketorolac tromethamine formulations: an overview”. Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery6 (9): 961–75. (September 2009). doi:10.1517/17425240903116006. PMID19663721.
“Perioperative single dose ketorolac to prevent postoperative pain: a meta-analysis of randomized trials”. Anesthesia and Analgesia114 (2): 424–33. (February 2012). doi:10.1213/ANE.0b013e3182334d68. PMID21965355.
“A review of intranasal ketorolac tromethamine for the short-term management of moderate to moderately severe pain that requires analgesia at the opioid level”. Current Medical Research and Opinion28 (12): 1873–80. (December 2012). doi:10.1185/03007995.2012.744302. PMID23098098.
“Ketorolac in the treatment of acute migraine: a systematic review”. Headache53 (2): 277–87. (February 2013). doi:10.1111/head.12009. PMID23298250.
“Lornoxicam. A review of its pharmacology and therapeutic potential in the management of painful and inflammatory conditions”. Drugs51 (4): 639–57. (April 1996). doi:10.2165/00003495-199651040-00008. PMID8706598.
“Naproxen. A reappraisal of its pharmacology, and therapeutic use in rheumatic diseases and pain states”. Drugs40 (1): 91–137. (July 1990). doi:10.2165/00003495-199040010-00006. PMID2202585.
“Tenoxicam. A preliminary review of its pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic properties, and therapeutic efficacy”. Drugs34 (3): 289–310. (September 1987). doi:10.2165/00003495-198734030-00001. PMID3315620.
“Celecoxib: a review of its use for symptomatic relief in the treatment of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis”. Drugs71 (18): 2457–89. (December 2011). doi:10.2165/11208240-000000000-00000. PMID22141388.
“Meptazinol. A review of its pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic properties and therapeutic efficacy”. Drugs30 (4): 285–312. (October 1985). doi:10.2165/00003495-198530040-00001. PMID2998723.
“Pharmacokinetics of methadone”. Journal of Pain & Palliative Care Pharmacotherapy19 (4): 13–24. (2005). doi:10.1080/J354v19n04_05. PMID16431829.
“Nefopam for the prevention of postoperative pain: quantitative systematic review”. British Journal of Anaesthesia101 (5): 610–7. (November 2008). doi:10.1093/bja/aen267. PMID18796441.
“What is medical marijuana?”. National Institute of Drug Abuse (July 2015). 17 April 2016時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。19 April 2016閲覧。 “The term medical marijuana refers to using the whole unprocessed marijuana plant or its basic extracts to treat a disease or symptom.”
“Actions of tramadol, its enantiomers and principal metabolite, O-desmethyltramadol, on serotonin (5-HT) efflux and uptake in the rat dorsal raphe nucleus”. British Journal of Anaesthesia79 (3): 352–6. (September 1997). doi:10.1093/bja/79.3.352. PMID9389855.
“Opioid-induced hyperalgesia: where are we now?”. Current Opinion in Supportive and Palliative Care9 (2): 116–21. (June 2015). doi:10.1097/SPC.0000000000000137. PMID25872113.
“The efficacy of combination analgesic therapy in relieving dental pain”. Journal of the American Dental Association133 (7): 861–71. (July 2002). doi:10.14219/jada.archive.2002.0300. PMID12148679.
“Nefopam analgesia and its role in multimodal analgesia: A review of preclinical and clinical studies”. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology & Physiology43 (1): 3–12. (January 2016). doi:10.1111/1440-1681.12506. PMID26475417.
“Flupirtine shows functional NMDA receptor antagonism by enhancing Mg2+ block via activation of voltage independent potassium channels. Rapid communication”. Journal of Neural Transmission106 (9–10): 857–67. (1999). doi:10.1007/s007020050206. PMID10599868.
“Flupirtine: pharmacology and clinical applications of a nonopioid analgesic and potentially neuroprotective compound”. Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy10 (9): 1495–500. (June 2009). doi:10.1517/14656560902988528. PMID19505216.
“Positive reinforcing effects of flupirtine--two case reports”. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry34 (6): 1120–1. (August 2010). doi:10.1016/j.pnpbp.2010.03.031. PMID20362025.
“Pharmacokinetics of intravenous ibuprofen: implications of time of infusion in the treatment of pain and fever”. Drugs72 (3): 327–37. (February 2012). doi:10.2165/11599230-000000000-00000. PMID22316349.
“Oral ibuprofen versus intravenous ibuprofen or intravenous indomethacin for the treatment of patent ductus arteriosus in preterm infants: a systematic review and meta-analysis”. Neonatology102 (1): 9–15. (2012). doi:10.1159/000335332. PMID22414850.
“Ketorolac tromethamine formulations: an overview”. Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery6 (9): 961–75. (September 2009). doi:10.1517/17425240903116006. PMID19663721.
“Perioperative single dose ketorolac to prevent postoperative pain: a meta-analysis of randomized trials”. Anesthesia and Analgesia114 (2): 424–33. (February 2012). doi:10.1213/ANE.0b013e3182334d68. PMID21965355.
“A review of intranasal ketorolac tromethamine for the short-term management of moderate to moderately severe pain that requires analgesia at the opioid level”. Current Medical Research and Opinion28 (12): 1873–80. (December 2012). doi:10.1185/03007995.2012.744302. PMID23098098.
“Ketorolac in the treatment of acute migraine: a systematic review”. Headache53 (2): 277–87. (February 2013). doi:10.1111/head.12009. PMID23298250.
“Lornoxicam. A review of its pharmacology and therapeutic potential in the management of painful and inflammatory conditions”. Drugs51 (4): 639–57. (April 1996). doi:10.2165/00003495-199651040-00008. PMID8706598.
“Naproxen. A reappraisal of its pharmacology, and therapeutic use in rheumatic diseases and pain states”. Drugs40 (1): 91–137. (July 1990). doi:10.2165/00003495-199040010-00006. PMID2202585.
“Tenoxicam. A preliminary review of its pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic properties, and therapeutic efficacy”. Drugs34 (3): 289–310. (September 1987). doi:10.2165/00003495-198734030-00001. PMID3315620.
“Celecoxib: a review of its use for symptomatic relief in the treatment of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis”. Drugs71 (18): 2457–89. (December 2011). doi:10.2165/11208240-000000000-00000. PMID22141388.
“Meptazinol. A review of its pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic properties and therapeutic efficacy”. Drugs30 (4): 285–312. (October 1985). doi:10.2165/00003495-198530040-00001. PMID2998723.
“Pharmacokinetics of methadone”. Journal of Pain & Palliative Care Pharmacotherapy19 (4): 13–24. (2005). doi:10.1080/J354v19n04_05. PMID16431829.
“Nefopam for the prevention of postoperative pain: quantitative systematic review”. British Journal of Anaesthesia101 (5): 610–7. (November 2008). doi:10.1093/bja/aen267. PMID18796441.
“What is medical marijuana?”. National Institute of Drug Abuse (July 2015). 17 April 2016時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。19 April 2016閲覧。 “The term medical marijuana refers to using the whole unprocessed marijuana plant or its basic extracts to treat a disease or symptom.”