ოქსალატები (Georgian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "ოქსალატები" in Georgian language version.

Global rank Georgian rank
2nd place
7th place
6th place
5th place
18th place
39th place
4th place
8th place


  • Dean, Philip A. W. (2012). „The Oxalate Dianion, C2O42−: Planar or Nonplanar?“. Journal of Chemical Education. 89 (3): 417–418. Bibcode:2012JChEd..89..417D. doi:10.1021/ed200202r.


  • Dean, Philip A. W. (2012). „The Oxalate Dianion, C2O42−: Planar or Nonplanar?“. Journal of Chemical Education. 89 (3): 417–418. Bibcode:2012JChEd..89..417D. doi:10.1021/ed200202r.
  • Reed, D. A.; Olmstead, M. M. (1981). „Sodium oxalate structure refinement“. Acta Crystallographica Section B. 37 (4): 938–939. doi:10.1107/S0567740881004676.
  • Beagley, B.; Small, R. W. H. (1964). „The structure of lithium oxalate“. Acta Crystallographica. 17 (6): 783–788. doi:10.1107/S0365110X64002079.
  • Dinnebier, Robert E.; Vensky, Sascha; Panthöfer, Martin; Jansen, Martin (2003). „Crystal and Molecular Structures of Alkali Oxalates: First Proof of a Staggered Oxalate Anion in the Solid State“. Inorganic Chemistry. 42 (5): 1499–507. doi:10.1021/ic0205536. PMID 12611516.



  • Dean, Philip A. W. (2012). „The Oxalate Dianion, C2O42−: Planar or Nonplanar?“. Journal of Chemical Education. 89 (3): 417–418. Bibcode:2012JChEd..89..417D. doi:10.1021/ed200202r.



  • Dinnebier, Robert E.; Vensky, Sascha; Panthöfer, Martin; Jansen, Martin (2003). „Crystal and Molecular Structures of Alkali Oxalates: First Proof of a Staggered Oxalate Anion in the Solid State“. Inorganic Chemistry. 42 (5): 1499–507. doi:10.1021/ic0205536. PMID 12611516.