Population clock. Australian Bureau of Statistics website. Commonwealth of Australia. ციტირების თარიღი: 24 December 2018. The population estimate shown is automatically calculated daily at 00:00 UTC and is based on data obtained from the population clock on the date shown in the citation.
Gillespie, R. (2002). Dating the first Australians. Radiocarbon 44:455–72; Dating the First Australians. Ingenta. დაარქივებულია ორიგინალიდან — 2005-01-03. ციტირების თარიღი: 2008-03-18.
Williams, J. et al. 2001. Biodiversity, Australia State of the Environment Report 2001 (Theme Report), CSIRO Publishing on behalf of the Department of the Environment and Heritage, Canberra. ISBN 0-643-06749-3.pdf
Gillespie, R. (2002). Dating the first Australians. Radiocarbon 44:455–72; Dating the First Australians. Ingenta. დაარქივებულია ორიგინალიდან — 2005-01-03. ციტირების თარიღი: 2008-03-18.