ნობელის პრემია ლიტერატურის დარგში 1913 წ. nobelprize.org. „The Nobel Prize in Literature 1913 was awarded to Rabindranath Tagore "because of his profoundly sensitive, fresh and beautiful verse, by which, with consummate skill, he has made his poetic thought, expressed in his own English words, a part of the literature of the West".”
ნობელის პრემია ლიტერატურის დარგში 1968 წ. nobelprize.org. „The Nobel Prize in Literature 1968 was awarded to Yasunari Kawabata "for his narrative mastery, which with great sensibility expresses the essence of the Japanese mind".”
ნობელის პრემია ლიტერატურის დარგში 1994 წ. nobelprize.org. „The Nobel Prize in Literature 1994 was awarded to Kenzaburo Oe "who with poetic force creates an imagined world, where life and myth condense to form a disconcerting picture of the human predicament today".”
ნობელის პრემია ლიტერატურის დარგში 2000 წ. nobelprize.org. „The Nobel Prize in Literature for 2000 goes to the Chinese writer Gao Xingjian"for an œuvre of universal validity, bitter insights and linguistic ingenuity, which has opened new paths for the Chinese novel and drama".”
ნობელის პრემია ლიტერატურის დარგში 2006 წ. nobelprize.org. „The Nobel Prize in Literature 2006 was awarded to Orhan Pamuk "who in the quest for the melancholic soul of his native city has discovered new symbols for the clash and interlacing of cultures".”