Across Europe, in a less politically correct time when far fewer players of African origin were on view, he was known as „The Black Pearl“ or alternatively, „The Black Panther“. იხ. Eusebio: Portuguese pioneer // He was nicknamed „Pantera Negra“ (Black Panther) and „Perla Negra“ (black pearl) by the fans. იხ. Eusébio: A Legend of Football
Across Europe, in a less politically correct time when far fewer players of African origin were on view, he was known as „The Black Pearl“ or alternatively, „The Black Panther“. იხ. Eusebio: Portuguese pioneer // He was nicknamed „Pantera Negra“ (Black Panther) and „Perla Negra“ (black pearl) by the fans. იხ. Eusébio: A Legend of Football
He has been called „Africa’s first great footballer“ and „Africa’s greatest-ever player“. იხ. Eusébio: A Legend of Football