Sibelius, Jean (1865-1957). ციტატა: „In the First as well as in the Second Symphony (1902), some people have admittedly been quick to point out indications of the national independence struggle as well. During the period of oppressive russification, Sibelius and his music quite naturally became a symbol of national ferment. Sibelius had nothing against this, and in 1899 he composed both the Atenarnes sång ('Song of the Athenians') and the programme piece later christened Finlandia.“ ციტირების თარიღი: 2023-12-31
Kalamidas, Thanos. (12 August 2009) Jean Sibelius. Ovi. დაარქივებულია ორიგინალიდან — 25 ნოემბერი 2015. ციტირების თარიღი: 24 November 2015
Sibelius sv. Nordisk Familjebok (1926). ციტირების თარიღი: 11 June 2015
Rothman, Philip. (23 June 2015) An interview with Ben Finn, co-founder of Sibelius [Part 1 of 2]. ციტატა: „We decided to call it "Sibelius" for reasons we can no longer remember, but it was almost certainly because [composer Jean] Sibelius was a "Finn"—a play on our surname“ ციტირების თარიღი: 31 January 2020
100 markkaa 1986. ციტირების თარიღი: 29 November 2015