Luis Flores Ballesteros. "Corruption and development. Does the 'rule of law' factor weigh more than we think?" 54 Pesos May. 2008:54 Pesos 15 Nov 2008. [1]დაარქივებული 2011-07-18 საიტზე Wayback Machine.
სრულად: The magistrates who administer the law, the judges who act as its spokesmen, all the rest of us who live as its servants, grant it our allegiance as a guarantee of our freedom."თარგი:MdashCicero (1975). Murder Trials, Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, გვ. 217.
Original Latin: "Legum ministri magistratus, legum interpretes iudices, legum denique idcirco omnes servi sumus ut liberi esse possimus."თარგი:MdashPro Cluentio. ციტირების თარიღი: 5 March 2018.
Ogden v. Saunders, თარგი:Ussc. This was Marshall's only dissent in a constitutional case. The individualist anarchistLysander Spooner later denounced Marshall for this part of his Ogden dissent. See Spooner, Lysander (2008). Let's Abolish Government. Ludwig Von Mises Institute, გვ. 87. These same issues were also discussed in an earlier U.S. Supreme Court case, Calder v. Bull, თარგი:Ussc, with Justices James Iredell and Samuel Chase taking opposite positions. See Presser, Stephen. "Symposium: Samuel Chase: In Defense of the Rule of Law and Against the Jeffersonians", Vanderbilt Law Review, vol. 62, p. 349 (March 2009).
Rutherford, Samuel. Lex, rex: the law and the prince, a dispute for the just prerogative of king and people, containing the reasons and causes of the defensive wars of the kingdom of Scotland, and of their expedition for the ayd and help of their brethren of England, p. 237 (1644): "The prince remaineth, even being a prince, a social creature, a man, as well as a king; one who must buy, sell, promise, contract, dispose: ergo, he is not regula regulans, but under rule of law ..."
Goldsworthy, Jeffrey. “Legislative Sovereignty and the Rule of Law" in Tom Campbell, Keith D. Ewing and Adam Tomkins (eds), Sceptical Essays on Human Rights (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001), p. 69.
Osborn v. Bank of the United States, 22 U.S. 738 (1824): "When [courts] are said to exercise a discretion, it is a mere legal discretion, a discretion to be exercised in discerning the course prescribed by law; and, when that is discerned, it is the duty of the court to follow it."
Oxford English Dictionary (OED), "Rule of Law, n.[მკვდარი ბმული]", accessed April 27, 2013. According to the OED, this sentence from about 1500 was written by John Blount: "Lawes And constitutcions be ordeyned be cause the noysome Appetit of man maye be kepte vnder the Rewle of lawe by the wiche mankinde ys dewly enformed to lyue honestly." And this sentence from 1559 is attributed to William Bavand: "A Magistrate should..kepe rekenyng of all mennes behauiours, and to be carefull, least thei despisyng the rule of lawe, growe to a wilfulnes."
სრულად: The magistrates who administer the law, the judges who act as its spokesmen, all the rest of us who live as its servants, grant it our allegiance as a guarantee of our freedom."თარგი:MdashCicero (1975). Murder Trials, Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, გვ. 217.
Original Latin: "Legum ministri magistratus, legum interpretes iudices, legum denique idcirco omnes servi sumus ut liberi esse possimus."თარგი:MdashPro Cluentio. ციტირების თარიღი: 5 March 2018.
Luis Flores Ballesteros. "Corruption and development. Does the 'rule of law' factor weigh more than we think?" 54 Pesos May. 2008:54 Pesos 15 Nov 2008. [1]დაარქივებული 2011-07-18 საიტზე Wayback Machine.