This number is based on the number of Facebook accounts (500 Million Stories | Facebook. Тексерілді, 11 шілде 2013.) Google talk and WLM accounts. (Anyone can build a Messenger client—with open standards access via XMPP. Тексерілді, 11 шілде 2013.) Further, as there are many other open source servers (some also with companies behind it), the number provided is probably too small. However, many of these servers are not federated, and so, do not actually interact as is usually expected of XMPP servers.
On Қазан 24, 2012 Skype 6.0 (Liive, RaulSkype 6.0 for Mac and Windows Desktop – - Skype Blogs. (24 қазан 2012). Тексерілді, 11 шілде 2013.) connected users on Yahoo, WLM, Skype, and Facebook networks. Facebook excluded, this amounts to 83% of worldwide IM desktop client market share based on data from Маусым 2011. (Security Industry Market Share Analysis. (Маусым 2011). Тексерілді, 24 тамыз 2013.)
On Қазан 24, 2012 Skype 6.0 (Liive, RaulSkype 6.0 for Mac and Windows Desktop – - Skype Blogs. (24 қазан 2012). Тексерілді, 11 шілде 2013.) connected users on Yahoo, WLM, Skype, and Facebook networks. Facebook excluded, this amounts to 83% of worldwide IM desktop client market share based on data from Маусым 2011. (Security Industry Market Share Analysis. (Маусым 2011). Тексерілді, 24 тамыз 2013.)
This number is based on the number of Facebook accounts (500 Million Stories | Facebook. Тексерілді, 11 шілде 2013.) Google talk and WLM accounts. (Anyone can build a Messenger client—with open standards access via XMPP. Тексерілді, 11 шілде 2013.) Further, as there are many other open source servers (some also with companies behind it), the number provided is probably too small. However, many of these servers are not federated, and so, do not actually interact as is usually expected of XMPP servers.