Angeli, Michael.River's Rise(англ.) // Cleo. — май 1992. — P. 117—120; 185.
Boyd, Blanche McCrary.Ahead of the Pack(англ.) // Premiere. — апрель 1988.
Biography for River Phoenix(англ.). Internet Movie Database. — His parents named him River after the river of life in Hermann Hesse's classic spiritual novel "Siddhartha"; and Jude, his middle name, after The Beatles' song "Hey, Jude". Дата обращения 3 января 2011. 13 февраля 2012 года.
Levitt, Shellley.River's End(англ.). People. Time Warner (15 ноября 1993). Дата обращения 5 января 2011. 13 февраля 2012 года.
Ten American showbiz celebrities of Russian descent(англ.). Правда.Ру (18 ноября 2005). — His father was born to Spanish and Irish parents, his mother is a Jew of Hungarian and Russian descent. Дата обращения 3 января 2011. 13 февраля 2012 года.
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers(англ.). — River, who arrived at the auditions with his guitar, promptly burst into a convincing Elvis Presley impersonation charming the show's producer James H. Brown who offered him the part. Дата обращения 3 января 2011. 13 февраля 2012 года.
CelebrityМұрағатталған 24 ақпанның 2012 жылы.(англ.). — River's character would become central to the bizarre and suspenseful movie plot but he would be seen on screen for a matter of only ten minutes or so before the story would leap forward seven years whereupon the character of a much older Jeffie would be taken over by Peter Nelson. Дата обращения 3 января 2011. 13 февраля 2012 года.
SurvivingМұрағатталған 24 ақпанның 2012 жылы.(англ.). — It would be halfway through filming this project that Iris Burton would contact River and his family with details of a possible role in the film Explorers. Дата обращения 4 января 2011. 13 февраля 2012 года.
CelebrityМұрағатталған 24 ақпанның 2012 жылы.(англ.). — River's character would become central to the bizarre and suspenseful movie plot but he would be seen on screen for a matter of only ten minutes or so before the story would leap forward seven years whereupon the character of a much older Jeffie would be taken over by Peter Nelson. Дата обращения 3 января 2011. 13 февраля 2012 года.
SurvivingМұрағатталған 24 ақпанның 2012 жылы.(англ.). — It would be halfway through filming this project that Iris Burton would contact River and his family with details of a possible role in the film Explorers. Дата обращения 4 января 2011. 13 февраля 2012 года.