군주론 (Korean Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "군주론" in Korean language version.

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  • Xenophon, Cyropaedia, 1.1.4




  • Thompson (1995)[깨진 링크]
  • Bireley (1990, 14쪽) Bireley, Robert (1990). 《The Counter Reformation Prince》. 
  • Gilbert (1938) emphasizes similarities between The Prince and its forerunners, but still sees the same innovations as other commentators. Gilbert, Allan (1938), 《Machiavelli's Prince and Its Forerunners》, Duke University Press 
  • Bireley (1990) Bireley, Robert (1990). 《The Counter Reformation Prince》. 
  • Although Machiavelli makes many references to classical sources, these do not include the customary deference to Aristotle which was to some extent approved by the church in his time. Strauss (1958, 222쪽) says that "Machiavelli indicates his fundamental disagreement with Aristotle's doctrine of the whole by substituting "chance" (caso) for "nature" in the only context in which he speaks of "the beginning of the world." Strauss gives evidence that Machiavelli was knowingly influenced by Democritus, whose philosophy of nature was, like that of modern science, materialist. Strauss, Leo (1958), 《Thoughts on Machiavelli》, University of Chicago Press 
  • Bireley (1990, 241쪽) Bireley, Robert (1990). 《The Counter Reformation Prince》. 
  • Strauss (1987, 297쪽): "Machiavelli is the only political thinker whose name has come into common use for designating a kind of politics, which exists and will continue to exist independently of his influence, a politics guided exclusively by considerations of expediency, which uses all means, fair or foul, iron or poison, for achieving its ends – its end being the aggrandizement of one's country or fatherland – but also using the fatherland in the service of the self-aggrandizement of the politician or statesman or one's party." Strauss, Leo (1987), 〈Niccolo Machiavelli〉, Strauss, Leo; Cropsey, Joseph, 《History of Political Philosophy》 3판, University of Chicago Press 
  • See for example de Alvarez (1999, 8쪽); and Strauss (1958, 55쪽) Strauss, Leo (1958), 《Thoughts on Machiavelli》, University of Chicago Press 
  • 이탈리아어로 'stato'. 니콜로 마키아벨리 (2015, 195쪽): "「군주론」에서 스타토(stato)는 주로 두 가지 의미로 사용된다. 그것은 일정한 영토적 경계 내에 존재하는 정치공동체의 정부는 물론 그러한 정치공동체를 지칭한다(물론 이는 16세기 중반 이래 영어 단어인 '국가[state]'가 지닌 두 가지 정치적 의미이기도 하다). 니콜로 마키아벨리 (2015). 《군주론》. 번역 강정인, 김경희 번역 제4판. 까치. ISBN 978-89-7291-578-2. 
  • Guarini (1999, 30쪽) Guarini, Elena (1999), 〈Machiavelli and the crisis of the Italian republics〉, Bock, Gisela; Skinner, Quentin; Viroli, Maurizio, 《Machiavelli and Republicanism》, Cambridge University Press 
  • 니콜로 마키아벨리 (2015, 18쪽) 니콜로 마키아벨리 (2015). 《군주론》. 번역 강정인, 김경희 번역 제4판. 까치. ISBN 978-89-7291-578-2. 
  • Gilbert (1938, 19쪽) Gilbert, Allan (1938), 《Machiavelli's Prince and Its Forerunners》, Duke University Press 
  • de Alvarez (1999, 9쪽)
  • 니콜로 마키아벨리 (2015, 19쪽) 니콜로 마키아벨리 (2015). 《군주론》. 번역 강정인, 김경희 번역 제4판. 까치. ISBN 978-89-7291-578-2. 
  • 니콜로 마키아벨리 (2015, 26쪽) 니콜로 마키아벨리 (2015). 《군주론》. 번역 강정인, 김경희 번역 제4판. 까치. ISBN 978-89-7291-578-2. 
  • 니콜로 마키아벨리 (2015, 26쪽) 니콜로 마키아벨리 (2015). 《군주론》. 번역 강정인, 김경희 번역 제4판. 까치. ISBN 978-89-7291-578-2. 
  • 니콜로 마키아벨리 (2015, 28쪽) 니콜로 마키아벨리 (2015). 《군주론》. 번역 강정인, 김경희 번역 제4판. 까치. ISBN 978-89-7291-578-2. 
  • 니콜로 마키아벨리 (2015, 38쪽) 니콜로 마키아벨리 (2015). 《군주론》. 번역 강정인, 김경희 번역 제4판. 까치. ISBN 978-89-7291-578-2. 
  • 니콜로 마키아벨리 (2015, 40쪽) 니콜로 마키아벨리 (2015). 《군주론》. 번역 강정인, 김경희 번역 제4판. 까치. ISBN 978-89-7291-578-2. 
  • Najemy (1993) Najemy, John (1993), 《Between Friends: Discourses of Power and Desire in the Machiavelli-Vettori Letters of 1513–1515》, Princeton University Press 
  • Dent (1995, 17쪽) Dent, J (1995), 〈Introduction〉, 《The Prince and other writings》, Everyman 
  • 니콜로 마키아벨리 (2015, 13쪽) 니콜로 마키아벨리 (2015). 《군주론》. 번역 강정인, 김경희 번역 제4판. 까치. ISBN 978-89-7291-578-2. 
  • Fischer (2000, 181쪽) says that some people "might hold Machiavelli to some extent responsible for the crimes of a Lenin, Hitler, Mao, or Pol Pot, who had learned from him to excuse the murder of innocents by its supposed benefits for humanity." Strauss (1958, 12쪽) writes that "We shall not hesitate to assert, as very many have asserted before us, and we shall later on try to prove, that Machiavelli's teaching is immoral and irreligious." Fischer, Markus (2000), 《Well-ordered License: On the Unity of Machiavelli's Thought》, Lexington Book  Strauss, Leo (1958), 《Thoughts on Machiavelli》, University of Chicago Press 
  • For example Strauss (1958, 182쪽): "Machiavelli's book on principalities and his book on republics are both republican." Strauss, Leo (1958), 《Thoughts on Machiavelli》, University of Chicago Press 
  • Fischer (2000, 181쪽) Fischer, Markus (2000), 《Well-ordered License: On the Unity of Machiavelli's Thought》, Lexington Book 
  • Concerning being a scientist, Strauss (1958, 54~55쪽) says that this description of Machiavelli as a scientist "is defensible and even helpful provided it is properly meant" because The Prince "conveys a general teaching" and only uses specific historical facts and experience as a basis for such generalizing. On the other hand Strauss (1958, 11쪽): "Machiavelli's works abound with "value-judgments". Concerning patriotism Strauss (1958, 10~11쪽) writes that "Machiavelli understood it as collective selfishness." It is Machiavelli's indifferent "comprehensive reflection" about right and wrong, which is "the core of Machiavelli's thought," not love of the fatherland as such. Strauss, Leo (1958), 《Thoughts on Machiavelli》, University of Chicago Press  Strauss, Leo (1958), 《Thoughts on Machiavelli》, University of Chicago Press  Strauss, Leo (1958), 《Thoughts on Machiavelli》, University of Chicago Press 
  • Much of Machiavelli's personal correspondence with other Florentines is preserved, including some of the most famous letters in Italian. Of particular interest for example, are some of his letters to Francesco Vettori and 프란체스코 귀차르디니, two men who had managed to stay in public service under the Medici, unlike Machiavelli. To Guicciardini for example he wrote concerning the selection of a preacher for Florence, that he would like a hypocritical one, and "I believe that the following would be the true way to go to Paradise: learn the way to Hell in order to steer clear of it." (Letter 270 in Machiavelli (1996))
  • Gilbert (1938) Gilbert, Allan (1938), 《Machiavelli's Prince and Its Forerunners》, Duke University Press 
  • While pride is a sin in the Bible, "Fortune favours the bold", used for example by Dent (1995, 22쪽) to summarize Machiavelli's stance concerning fortune, was a classical saying. That the desire for glory of spirited young men can and should be allowed or even encouraged, because it is how the best rulers come to be, is a theory expressed most famously by Plato in his Republic. (See Strauss (1958, 289쪽).) But as Strauss points out, Plato asserts that there is a higher type of life, and Machiavelli does not seem to accept this. Dent, J (1995), 〈Introduction〉, 《The Prince and other writings》, Everyman  Strauss, Leo (1958), 《Thoughts on Machiavelli》, University of Chicago Press 
  • See for example Guarini (1999). Guarini, Elena (1999), 〈Machiavelli and the crisis of the Italian republics〉, Bock, Gisela; Skinner, Quentin; Viroli, Maurizio, 《Machiavelli and Republicanism》, Cambridge University Press 
  • Strauss (1987, 302쪽) Strauss, Leo (1987), 〈Niccolo Machiavelli〉, Strauss, Leo; Cropsey, Joseph, 《History of Political Philosophy》 3판, University of Chicago Press 
  • Bireley (1990, 15쪽) Bireley, Robert (1990). 《The Counter Reformation Prince》.