Geller 등. 1997, 1616쪽 괄호 없는 하버드 인용 error: 대상 없음: CITEREFGellerJacksonKaganMulargia1997 (help), following Allen 1976, 2070쪽 괄호 없는 하버드 인용 error: 대상 없음: CITEREFAllen1976 (help), who in turn followed Wood & Gutenberg 1935 괄호 없는 하버드 인용 error: 대상 없음: CITEREFWoodGutenberg1935 (help).
Kagan 1997b, 507쪽 괄호 없는 하버드 인용 error: 대상 없음: CITEREFKagan1997b (help).
Geller 1997, 425쪽 괄호 없는 하버드 인용 error: 대상 없음: CITEREFGeller1997 (help). 같이 보기: Jackson 2004, 348쪽 괄호 없는 하버드 인용 error: 대상 없음: CITEREFJackson2004 (help): "The search for precursors has a checkered history, with no convincing successes." Zechar & Jordan 2008, 723쪽 괄호 없는 하버드 인용 error: 대상 없음: CITEREFZecharJordan2008 (help): "The consistent failure to find reliable earthquake precursors...". ICEF 2009 괄호 없는 하버드 인용 error: 대상 없음: CITEREFICEF2009 (help): "... no convincing evidence of diagnostic precursors."
Kagan (1997b, §2.1) harvtxt error: 대상 없음: CITEREFKagan1997b (help) says: "This definition has several defects which contribute to confusion and difficulty in prediction research." In addition to specification of time, location, and magnitude, Allen suggested three other requirements: 4) indication of the author's confidence in the prediction, 5) the chance of an earthquake occurring anyway as a random event, and 6) publication in a form that gives failures the same visibility as successes. Kagan & Knopoff (1987, 1563쪽) harvtxt error: 대상 없음: CITEREFKaganKnopoff1987 (help) define prediction (in part) "to be a formal rule where by the available space-time-seismic moment manifold of earthquake occurrence is significantly contracted …"