Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "2022년 괴산 지진" in Korean language version.
It can be seen in this figure that the predominant trends are N0-40°E, N0-30°W, and N80-90°W. The first trend of the Sinian direction and the second trend prevail in the Paleogeosynclinal zone and neogeosynclinal zone, respectively, while the last trend is dominant around the boundary between these two zones. In Fig.1, epicenters of earthquakes of MMI >V as well as tectonic lineaments of the Okcheon zone are shown. It is readily seen the seismicity in the Paleogeosynclinal zone is higher than that in the neogeosynclinal zone. A number of epicenters are scattered in the central part of the Okcheon zone, indicating high degree of crustal rupture of the area.
(165P) The southwestern part of the Kyeonggi Massif is one of the highest seismic areas in the Korean Peninsula. Seismicity in the western part of the peninsula is generally higher than that in the eastern part except for Kyeongsang Basin...(후략)
옥천대와 경기육괴의 남서부를 포함하는 남한 중부 및 서부지역은 우리나라에서 경상분지 이외에 가장 지진활동이 활발한 곳에 해당한다.
특히 관측년도에 관계없이 문경-상주-영동-무주를 잇는 옥천단층대에서 지진이 다발적으로 발생하고 있다.