T-90 (Korean Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "T-90" in Korean language version.

Global rank Korean rank
2,713th place
5,280th place
3,955th place
3,934th place
4,640th place
low place



  • Deagel.com “T-90”. 《Deagel.com》. 2020년 9월 21일에 확인함. 
  • Deagel.com "Its main armament is a 125mm 2A46M-2 smoothbore gun which can fire a variety of rounds as well as anti-tank missiles, a coaxial PKT 7.62mm machine gun, and a NSV 12.7mm machine gun for anti-aircraft purposes." “T-90”. 《Deagel.com》. 2020년 9월 21일에 확인함. 
  • Deagel.com "The 125mm gun features an autoloader system with 22+20 rounds." “T-90”. 《Deagel.com》. 2020년 9월 21일에 확인함. 


  • David 2015 "In 1992, came out a crucial decision from the Russian Ministry of Defence that Russian culd not afford anymore to manufacture, maintain and upgrade two main battle tanks in parallel. However both the T-80U and T-72B production were seen as essential for the local economy of the manufacturers, and the government was found forced to maintain small orders. Indeed, the Omsk plant delivered only five T-80Us while Nizhny Tagil had fifteen T-72s in the meantime, but both expected further orders to came, or eventually to be chosen for the unique MBT projected." B, David (2015년 8월 16일). “T-90”. 《The Online Tank Museum》. 2020년 9월 22일에 확인함. 
  • David 2015 "Among considerations involved were the export policy of the Russian tank industry that leaned strongly towards the T-72 as its champion. but at the same time it was chosen to give it the T-80U sophisticated fire control system, resulting in the T-72BU variant. In the end, the BM was renamed BU after 1990 modifications, and then known as the T-90 program, further developed by the Kartsev-Venediktov Design Bureau (Uralvagonzavod) in Nizhny Tagil. The resulting production hybrid in 1992 was to be built chiefly in Nizhny Tagil, but with components manufactured at Osmk, a plan that seemed to reach general agreement between the state and parties involved." B, David (2015년 8월 16일). “T-90”. 《The Online Tank Museum》. 2020년 9월 22일에 확인함.