"Persian Prose Literature." World Eras. 2002. HighBeam Research. (3 September 2012);"Princes, although they were often tutored in Arabic and religious subjects, frequently did not feel as comfortable with the Arabic language and preferred literature in Persian, which was either their mother tongue—as in the case of dynasties such as the Saffarids (861–1003), Samanids (873–1005), and Buyids (945–1055)—or was a preferred lingua franca for them—as with the later Turkish dynasties such as the Ghaznawids (977–1187) and Saljuks (1037–1194)". [1]Archived 2013년 5월 2일 - 웨이백 머신
"Persian Prose Literature." World Eras. 2002. HighBeam Research. (3 September 2012);"Princes, although they were often tutored in Arabic and religious subjects, frequently did not feel as comfortable with the Arabic language and preferred literature in Persian, which was either their mother tongue—as in the case of dynasties such as the Saffarids (861–1003), Samanids (873–1005), and Buyids (945–1055)—or was a preferred lingua franca for them—as with the later Turkish dynasties such as the Ghaznawids (977–1187) and Saljuks (1037–1194)". [1]Archived 2013년 5월 2일 - 웨이백 머신
Pandey 1973, 103쪽. harv error: 대상 없음: CITEREFPandey1973 (help)
Mehta 1979, 52쪽. harv error: 대상 없음: CITEREFMehta1979 (help)
Pandey 1973, 112쪽. harv error: 대상 없음: CITEREFPandey1973 (help)
Mehta 1979, 58쪽. harv error: 대상 없음: CITEREFMehta1979 (help)
Mehta 1979, 59쪽. harv error: 대상 없음: CITEREFMehta1979 (help)
al-Biruni 1888, 22쪽 괄호 없는 하버드 인용 error: 대상 없음: CITEREFal-Biruni1888 (help)