In 1861 the French chemist Charles-Louis Barreswil (1817–1870) found that "pearl essence" was guanine. See: Barreswil (1861) "Sur le blanc d'ablette qui sert à la fabrication des perles fausses" (On the white of ablette that's used in making imitation pearls), Comptes rendus, 53 : 246.
Johann Rudolf von Wagner, Ferdinand Fischer, and L. Gautier, Traité de chimie industrielle (Treatise on industrial chemistry), 4th ed., (Paris, France: Masson & Co., 1903), vol. 2, pp. 64–65.
Levy, Matthew; Stanley L. Miller; John Oró (August 1999). “Production of Guanine from NH4CN Polymerizations”. 《Journal of Molecular Evolution》 49 (2): 165–8. doi:10.1007/PL00006539. PMID10441668. - quotes the Yuasa paper and cites the possibility of there being a contaminant in the reaction.
Miyakawa, S; Murasawa, K.; Kobayashi, K.; Sawaoka, AB. (December 2000). “Abiotic synthesis of guanine with high-temperature plasma”. 《Orig Life Evol Biosph.》 30 (6): 557–66. doi:10.1023/A:1026587607264. PMID11196576.
Gur, D., Palmer, B., Weiner, S., and Addadi, L. (2017). “Light manipulation by guanine crystals in organisms: biogenic scatterers, mirrors, multilayer reflectors and photonic crystals.”. 《Advanced Functional Materials》 27 (6): 1603514. doi:10.1002/adfm.201603514 – Wiley Online Library 경유. CS1 관리 - 여러 이름 (링크)
Levy, Matthew; Stanley L. Miller; John Oró (August 1999). “Production of Guanine from NH4CN Polymerizations”. 《Journal of Molecular Evolution》 49 (2): 165–8. doi:10.1007/PL00006539. PMID10441668. - quotes the Yuasa paper and cites the possibility of there being a contaminant in the reaction.
Miyakawa, S; Murasawa, K.; Kobayashi, K.; Sawaoka, AB. (December 2000). “Abiotic synthesis of guanine with high-temperature plasma”. 《Orig Life Evol Biosph.》 30 (6): 557–66. doi:10.1023/A:1026587607264. PMID11196576.