Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "국민의당 (2020년)" in Korean language version.
Two leading conservatives in South Korea’s presidential race unified behind
안철수 대표가 이끄는 국민의당이 23일 다시 출범했다. 중도 실용정당을 기치로 내세운...
Cooperative moves gained traction since the right-wing United Future Party, the largest opposition party with 103 lawmakers, and center-right People’s Party with three lawmakers launched a joint study program called the People’s Future Forum in early June, where party leaders and lawmakers share and discuss the future course of their policy directions.
Minor parties won just 12 seats — six for Sim Sang-jeung’s progressive Justice Party, three for Ahn Cheol-soo’s revived and now center-right People’s Party, and three for the splinter liberal Open Democratic Party.
대표적인 공약은 ‘민의 왜곡 방지를 위한 외국인 국내 영주권자 지방선거 투표권 조항 삭제’다. (A representative pledge is "deletion of the clause on the right to vote for foreign permanent residents in Korea to prevent distortion of the people.")