뉴트럴 밀크 호텔 (Korean Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "뉴트럴 밀크 호텔" in Korean language version.

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  • Clair 2022, Chapter 3 (Search phrase "They started making twenty-minute tapes for their friends"); Cooper 2005, 9쪽.
  • Clair 2022, Chapter 7 (Search phrase "And Will named Neutral Milk Hotel"); Cooper 2005, 9쪽.
  • Ballance, Cook & McCaughan 2009, 97쪽; Gage 2011.
  • Anon. 1996b, 56쪽; Anon. n.d..
  • Cooper 2005, 37쪽; Goldsmith n.d.; Wolff 1996.
  • Ballance, Cook & McCaughan 2009, 100쪽; McGoven 2013.
  • Milton 2016; Winkie 2016.
  • Ankeny n.d.; Larkin 2009.
  • Clair 2022, Chapter 30 (Search phrase "Jeff made his return to the stage playing "Engine" at six of the Holiday Surprise shows in October 2008"); Minsker 2013.
  • Brady 2011; Pelly 2012.
  • Critics who describe Neutral Milk Hotel as indie rock include:
    • Winkie 2016
    • McGonigal 1998; McGonigal 2008.
    • Pareles 2014; Zaillian 2015.
    • Anon. 1998; Sweet 2001, 149쪽.
    • McMullen 1996; Richardson 2012.
    • Cooper 2005, 25–26쪽; Richardson 2012.
    • Critics that have called In the Aeroplane Over the Sea the best and most fully developed Neutral Milk Hotel album include:
      • Ankeny n.d.
      • Ankeny n.d.; DeRogatis 2003, 542쪽.
      • Anon. 2018; McGonigal 1998.
      • Anon. 2018; Cooper 2005, 40, 55쪽.
      • Pareles 2014; Richardson 2018.
      • Clark 2008; Crawford 2018; Thill 2010.
      • Ballance, Cook & McCaughan 2009, 98쪽.
      • Cooper 2005, 89쪽; Jarnow 2013.
      • Cooper 2005, 88쪽; Jarnow 2013.
      • Richardson 2012; Richardson 2018; Winkie 2016.
      • Outlets that have ranked In the Aeroplane Over the Sea as one of the greatest indie rock albums of all time include:
        • Anon. 2007
        • Morgan 2016; Tenreyro 2021.
        • DeVille 2018; Winkie 2016.
        • Caldwell 2016; Raymer 2013.
        • Anon. 1996a; Anon. 1998.
        • Anon. 1998.