Encyclopedia Britannica: "Modern Turkish is the descendant of Ottoman Turkish and its predecessor, so-called Old Anatolian Turkish, which was introduced into Anatolia by the Seljuq Turks in the late 11th century ad." [1][깨진 링크(과거 내용 찾기)]
Peacock, Andrew (2010). “Saljuqs ⅲ. Saljuqs of Rum”. 《Encyclopædia Iranica》. Encyclopædia Iranica Foundation. 2019년 1월 20일에 확인함.
Encyclopedia Britannica: "Modern Turkish is the descendant of Ottoman Turkish and its predecessor, so-called Old Anatolian Turkish, which was introduced into Anatolia by the Seljuq Turks in the late 11th century ad." [1][깨진 링크(과거 내용 찾기)]