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van de Lune, J.; te Riele, Hermanus J. J.; Winter, D. T. (1986), “On the zeros of the Riemann zeta function in the critical strip. IV”, 《Mathematics of Computation》 46 (174): 667–681, doi:10.2307/2008005, JSTOR2008005, MR829637
Odlyzko, A. M. (1987), “On the distribution of spacings between zeros of the zeta function”, 《Mathematics of Computation》 48 (177): 273–308, doi:10.2307/2007890, JSTOR2007890, MR866115
Haselgrove, C. B.; J. C. P. Miller (1960). 《Tables of the Riemann zeta function》. Royal Society Mathematical Tables (영어) 6. Cambridge University Press. ISBN978-0-521-06152-0. MR0117905.더 이상 지원되지 않는 변수를 사용함 (도움말)Review
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van de Lune, J.; te Riele, Hermanus J. J.; Winter, D. T. (1986), “On the zeros of the Riemann zeta function in the critical strip. IV”, 《Mathematics of Computation》 46 (174): 667–681, doi:10.2307/2008005, JSTOR2008005, MR829637
Sarnak, Peter (2008). 〈Problems of the Millennium: The Riemann Hypothesis〉(PDF). Borwein, Peter; Choi, Stephen; Rooney, Brendan; Weirathmueller, Andrea. 《The Riemann Hypothesis: A Resource for the Afficionado and Virtuoso Alike》 (PDF)|format=은 |url=을 필요로 함 (도움말). CMS Books in Mathematics. New York: Springer. 107–115쪽. ISBN978-0-387-72125-5. 2016년 4월 13일에 원본 문서(PDF)에서 보존된 문서. 2015년 3월 9일에 확인함.
Robin, Guy (1984). “Grandes valeurs de la fonction somme des diviseurs et hypothèse de Riemann”. 《Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées》. Neuvième Série (프랑스어) 63 (2): 187–213. ISSN0021-7824. MR774171.