Martin spells his first name Micheál, that is without an acute accent, or síneadh fada over the i. See Martin's official website Micheál Martin TDArchived 2007년 1월 7일 - 웨이백 머신. The Irish language version of the name Michael is usually spelt Mícheál.
“Micheál Martin”. 《Oireachtas Members Database》. 2008년 6월 8일에 확인함.
Martin spells his first name Micheál, that is without an acute accent, or síneadh fada over the i. See Martin's official website Micheál Martin TDArchived 2007년 1월 7일 - 웨이백 머신. The Irish language version of the name Michael is usually spelt Mícheál.