버튼민다리도마뱀 (Korean Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "버튼민다리도마뱀" in Korean language version.

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26th place
70th place
2nd place
3rd place
614th place
249th place



  • Wall M, Shine R (2013). "Ecology and behaviour of Burton’s legless lizard (Lialis burtonis, Pygopodidae) in tropical Australia". Asian Herpetological Research 4 (1): 9-21. doi:10.3724/SP.J.1245.2013.00009
  • Wall M, Shine R (2007). "Dangerous food: Lacking venom and constriction, how do snake-like lizards (Lialis burtonis, Pygopodidae) subdue their lizard prey?" Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 91 (4): 719-727. doi:10.1111/j.1095-8312.2007.00835.x
  • Vidal N, Hedges SB (2005). "The phylogeny of squamate reptiles (lizards, snakes and amphisbaenians) inferred from nine nuclear protein-coding genes". Comptes Rendus Biologies 328 (10-11): 1000-1008. doi:10.1016/j.crvi.2005.10.001
  • Gorman GC, Gress F (1970). "Sex chromosomes of a pygopodid lizard, Lialis burtonis ". Experientia 26 (2): 206-207. doi:10.1007/BF01895586
  • Wall M, Shine R (2009). "The relationship between foraging ecology and lizard chemo-reception: Can a snake analogue (Burton’s legless lizard, Lialis burtonis) detect prey scent?" Ethology 115 (3): 264-272. doi:10.1111/j.1439-0310.2008.01595.x
  • Wall M, Shine R (2008). "Post-feeding thermophily in lizards (Lialis burtonis Gray, Pygopodidae): Laboratory studies can provide misleading results". Journal of Thermal Biology 33 (5): 274-279. doi:10.1016/j.jtherbio.2008.02.005


  • Bradshaw SD, Gans C, Girons HS (1980). "Behavioural thermoregulation in a pygopodid lizard, Lialis burtonis ". Copeia 1980 (4): 738-743. JSTOR 1444452
  • Weber E, Werner YL (1977). "Vocalisations of two snake-lizards (Reptilia: Sauria: Pygopodidae)". Herpetologica 33(3): 353-363. JSTOR 3891953
  • Wever EG (1974). "The ear of Lialis burtonis (Sauria: Pygopodidae), its structure and function". Copeia 1974 (2): 297-305. JSTOR 1442523
  • Patchell FC, Shine R (1986b). "Feeding mechanisms in pygopodid lizards: How can Lialis swallow such large prey?" Journal of Herpetology 20 (1): 59-64. JSTOR 1564125
  • Patchell FC, Shine R (1986a). "Food habits and reproductive biology of the Australian legless lizards (Pygopodidae)". Copeia 1986 (1): 30-39. JSTOR 1444884
  • Neill WT (1957). "Notes on the pygopodid lizards, Lialis burtonis and L. jicari ". Copeia 1957 (3): 230-232. JSTOR 1439366
  • Murray BA, Bradshaw SD, Edward DH (1991). "Feeding behaviour and the occurrence of caudal luring in Burton’s pygopodid Lialis burtonis (Sauria: Pygopodidae)". Copeia 1991 (2): 509-516. RJSTOR 1446599
